r.bates french rev

  • Period: to

    louis xv

    Louis xv ruled he pursued pleasure before serious business and ran up more dept.
  • harvest

    the bad harvest sent food prices to soar and It brought hunger to poorer peasents and city dwellers
  • caveing

    louis xvi called the estates general after a lot of bankruptcy, bread riots, and royal tyrannies
  • taxes

    half of the government income from taxes went to paying interest on enormous dept.
  • famine

    the political crisis coincided with the worst famine in memory starving peasants roamed the country side and flocked to city’s
  • Period: to

    constitutional monarchy

    the moderate phase of the national assembly turned France into a constitutional monarchy
  • unrest

    Unrest exploded in a Paris wall paper factory a rumor had spread that the owner was going to cut wages even with bread prices were rising and the workers vandalized the owners house
  • deadlock

    from the beginning the delegates where in were deadlocked
  • attack

    the becase of rumors that the French troops where going to occupy the capitol 800 Parisians assembled outside the bastille they wanted weapons but was refused so they over took it but found no weapons they killed the commander and 5 soldiers and released many prisoners
  • all nighter

    in an all-night meeting the national assembly voted to end their own privileges at 2am that day they said feudalism is abolished
  • social classes

    social classes
    France like the rest of Europe was using the outdated social system that had emerged in the Middle Ages which had everyone divided into 3 social classes and the church exerted great influence still
  • equal rights

    equal rights
    olympe de gouges a journalist demanded equal rights for woman in her declaration of the rights of woman and the female citizen
  • piltnitz

    the King of Prussia and the emperor of Australia issued the declaration of piltnitz October 1791 the newly elected legislative assembly took office they did not even last a year
  • the march

    the march
    about six thousand woman marched 13 miles in the pouring rain from Paris to Versailles
  • Period: to


    the radical phase it was an escalation of violence led to the end of the monarchy and a reign of terror
  • french vs european

    the war of the words between French revolutionaries and European monarchs
  • storm the palace

    a crowd of Parisians stormed the royal palace of the tuileries and slaughtered the king guards the roayal family ran before the mob arrived
  • danger

    danger threatened France on all sides the country was at war with much of Europe
  • Period: to

    reign of terror

    was the lead to the reign of terror
  • needed terror

    Robespierre explained why the terror was necessary to achieve the goals of the revolution
  • exacute him

    exacute him
    Robespierre was arrested and executed becase of this the other radicals fell
  • Period: to


    was a period of reactions against extremism known as the directory
  • Period: to

    french revolution rulers

    professional people of the bourgeoisie were the dominant force during this stage of the French revolution
  • constitutional monarchy won

    supporters of a constitutional monarchy won the majority of seats in the legislative
  • Period: to


    was the age of napoleon this consolidated many revolutionary changes
  • the change braught to france

    the 10 year war had dramatically changed France it had dislodged the old social order overthroughen the monarchy and brought the church under state control