Psychology Timeline

  • Born

  • Potty Trained

    Anal Stage I do not have to wear diapers anymore. I have learned how to control my anal functions. I do not have to rely on someone to change my diaper anymore.
  • Started Playing Basketball

  • I Decided Which College To Go To

    Identity vs Role Confusion After months of trying to decide which college I want to go to, I have made my decision. I am no longer confused as to what I want to do with my life. Now I feel confident about becoming an adult.
  • Got Married

    Intimacy vs Isolation I just married my wife. I have successfully maintained an intimate relationship with another person. Now I do not have to worry about being alone.
  • Opened My First Bar

  • Bought A McLaren

  • I Found An Old Scrapbook

    Ego Identity vs Despair I found an old scrapbook and started looking back at all the important events in my life. I thought to myself, "Did I live a good life?" After looking through the scrapbook i came to the conclusion that I was satisfied with my life.