Psychology Timeline

  • 0-1 year

    0-1 year
    Dear readers,
    I was born in 1993 In Mater Dei Hospital in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. From the minute I was born I experienced infantile amnesia because I could not remember my birth and many things that happend when I was 0 to 1 years of age. During my first year I developed trust for my parents because they provided me with basic needs.
  • 1-3 years

    From the ages of 1 to 3 years I learned simple tasks for myself such as asking for food and water and reaching for objects I wanted. During this time I established autonomy. I also experienced the world through my senses of sight, smell, touch, and taste. I also experienced object permenance, when my parents played "peek a boo" on me. I was also anxious when new people visited the house
  • 3-6 years

    From the age of 3 to 6 I began to take iniative and rely less on parents and on teachers in school. I did a lot of pretend play with my friends and I represented things and objects with words, my logic and cognition increased.
  • 7-11

    From the ages of 7 to 11 I began to preform more complex mathematical operations and I thought more about concrete events. I also began to enjoy applying myself and my ability to tasks to produce outcomes, this was when I learned industry. My morality also developed and I became more focused on self-interest. I would obey my parents rules to avoid punishment or to gain a reward.
  • 12 - Adulthood

    From the age of 12 and on I learned abstract reasoning and abstract logic, I also learned how to apply language and thought to these different abstract concepts. At this stage of early adolescence, my morality became more concerned for others and I uphel rules and laws only simply because they were the rules and laws.
  • 10-20

    From the ages of 10 through 20 I began creating an identity and found my place socially and culturally. I began to learn about my family and my historical background and all of my realtives in Brazil and I began to refine my sense of self. I get into the University of Maryland and I begin my college career. By this time my morality shifted to using my abstract reasoning of operational thought. I judged action "right" or "wrong" becuase of my self-defined ethical principles.
  • 20-30

    During the time period of 20 to 30 I graduate from college and started and eventually finished a PhD in Brazil and I began working a full time job. During the process I got into a few relationships.
  • 30-40s

    During the decade through my 30s and 40s I formed a strong relationship and moved up in my career. I gained a sense of intamacy and love and started a family.
  • 40-50s

    During the time through my 40s and 50s I moved to a larger house and my income grew and my two children grew older. I continued to move up in my career and became more useful to society.
  • 50-60s

    During the time from my 50s to 60s as I grew in my career and as I continued to raise my kids and help my family I began to feel a sense of generativity. I enjoyed and reflected upon my contribution and sense of purpose to the world.
  • 60-70s

    From the time through my 60s through 70s I retired and spent more time at home. I watched as my children progress and grow and experience the same stages I experienced throughout my life. I begin to reflect on life and build up a sense of satisfaction as I look past at all of the things I accomplished throughout my life.
  • 70s-80s and Death

    From my 70s onto my death my health slowly began to deteriorate and I knew my death was coming soon. I had developed crystalized intellgence and a strong sense of wisdom from all the experience I gained throughout my life. I aslo looked back and realized that most of my development occured from 0-10 years old and the rest of the development was slower and more timely process.
    Lucas Fonseca