Developmental Psychology Timeline

  • Zygote to Embryo

    After 2 weeks of cell division, I am finally an embryo
  • Developed Object Permanence

    At the age of 8 months, I developed Object Permanence. This was me figuring out that objects do exist even though they are out of my sight.
  • Embryo to Fetus

    9 weeks after my conception I will have developed into a Fetus and will remain the same way until the day I was born.
  • Birth

    Born in Detroit, Michigan. I was a healthy 7 pound baby.
  • Crystalized Intelligence

    Crystalized Intelligence
    All the knowledge I will learn throughout my entire life through experiences, starts from the day I am born, until around the age I become 65. After that age, it begins to decrease.
  • Period: to


    In this state according to Kohlberg's theory, my decisions were made to avoid punishment
  • I began to sit up straight

    I began to sit up straight
  • First steps

    First steps
    Similar to other children, my motor skills started at the age of 7 months
  • Period: to

    Preoperational Stage

    I begin to use symbols to represent objects, I begin to use language to identify objects and I spoke my first words.
  • Started to speak

    my first word was "mama"
  • I begin to crawl

    I begin to crawl
  • First Birthday

    First Birthday
    seeked pleasure through my mouth. Everything I saw, I almost immediatly put into my mouth. This is called the Oral Stage according to Freud's theory.
  • First Friend

    First Friend
    My first friend, as I have been told I met in preschool. His name is Johny and we sat on the same desk for the next 4 years.
  • Begining of my education

    Begining of my education
    I am 4 years old now, and I go to preschool. At this stage school is all about games and interacting with other kids
  • Sister was born

    Sister was born
    Having a little sister meant that my parents attention had to be shared. At first I wasn't too happy with that however she later became my bestfriend.
  • Period: to

    Latency Stage

    During this stage, I was mostly calm and didn't cause much trouble,
  • My first play

    My first play
  • Developed Conservation

    As I reached the age of 8, I began to observe that the even though an object might change in form or size it still is the same object.
  • Period: to

    Industry versus Inferiority

    My english was weak at the time, I realized I was falling behind and not doing as well as the other girls in my grade. This created an anxious feeling within me which pulled me back even more.
  • Second sister was born

    Second sister was born
  • Period: to

    Concrete Operations

    During this stage I became more aware of my surroundings in a more mathematical way. On the way to places, I would be able to calculate the remaining time to reach my destination and I became more aware of time.
  • Moving houses

    Moving houses
    I have just moved into a new compound and made new friends. One of them being Lynn and we've been best friends ever since.
  • Brother was born

  • Period: to

    Genital Stage

    Final stage in Freud's psychosocial development theory.During this stage, every part of one's life is dominated by the maturation of sexual interests. I would enter this stage after reaching puberty and I would remain in this stage until I die.
  • Period: to

    Formal Operations

    Hypothesis testing is developed in this stage.
  • Puberty

  • Moving to AISJ

  • Period: to

    First actual boyfriend

    My first actual boyfriend was Kenan, we were in a relationship for 2 years. Throughout the relationship I became a wiser and a more mature woman.
  • Period: to

    Intimacy versus isolation

    Balancing out both my relationship and my frienships was a struggle I had to overcome and deal with. Setting my priorities straight and spending the right amount of time with both sides was a necessity,
  • Interest in Photography

    Interest in Photography
  • Period: to

    Identity versus role confusion

    I've been experiencing different identities, trying different things until I find the one most suitable.
  • Prom '13

    Prom '13
    First prom. Even though I thought I would be going with Kenan, things changed and I went with the girls.
  • Football

    Captain of the Varsity Football Team
  • First time traveling alone

    First time traveling alone
    For the junior trip, it was the first time my parents let me travel alone. I felt like I had so much responsibility and also that I have gained their trust.
  • Higschool Graduation

  • Starting first day of University

    Either UCSD or Suffolk.
  • re-connected

    During spring break, we travel to Cancun and as soon as we check into the hotel I run into my ex-boyfriend.
  • First Job

    My first job at OPEC
  • Graduate with a degree in buisiness

  • Marriage

    My wedding is going to be on the 25th of November, Im going to get married to my highschool boyfriend. Our Wedding is going to be on the beach in the beautiful island of Mykonos.
  • Period: to

    Generativity versus Stagnation

    My husband and I begin to discuss our future plans and we start to look at our life and the way we wish to continue it. We make sure that our life is the kind of life we want to bring children to.
  • First daughter

  • Second Daughter

  • Authoritative Parents

    Our second daughter is now 13 years old, we continue to be authoritative parents because that has worked with our first daughter.
  • Both my daughters wedding

    They have a joint wedding in Mykonos just like me and my husband did.
  • Too old

    My husband and I are too old now, we retire and buy a house in Cancun. We spend the rest of our life there.
  • Period: to

    Integrity versus despair

    At this point, I begin to realize that I am coming close to the end of life. I'm looking back at my accomplishments and my life and realizing that the life I've lived was a happy one. It was full of accomplishments however I also dread about the opportunities I've missed.
  • My Husband Dies

    My husband dies in his sleep.
  • Death

    After a year full of sadness and sorrow caused by the death of my husband. I die of old age and of heartache.I couldn't handle the year without him.