Psych Timeline

  • Losing my first tooth

    Losing my first tooth
    I was anticipating the day the tooth would finally fall out but it took like a month until i finally just pulled it out so I was annoyed because
    I wanted the tooth fairy to come bring me money
  • Learned how to ride a bik

    Learned how to ride a bik
    It was my first time riding a two wheeled bike, I was away for the summer for two months, I was very nervous because I knew I was going to repeatedly fall. I was so scared
  • Going on my first cruise

    Going on my first cruise
    I was so happy because it was my first cruise ever and I was so excited to go all the different locations
  • Getting my first dog

    Getting my first dog
    I got my first dog, it was a white shitzu and we named it brown sugar and I was soooo surprised because I didnt know that we were getting the dog
  • My little brother being born

    My little brother being born
    I was jealous because I didnt want all the attention to be stole from me because I was so used to being the only child
  • First Day of highscool

    First Day of highscool
    I cried and cried and cried because I didnt want to come because I knew absolutely no one so I was all alone all day
  • My sweet 16

    My sweet 16
    I had mixed emotions for this day because I felt like anything could go wrong so I was nervous, happy, impatient about it and all of the above,. Mostly I was beyond excited though
  • Getting my liscencse

    Getting my liscencse
    I was so scared for this day, I basically didnt want it to come at all and when I actually passed I was mind blown because it was my first trya nd I didnt think I would pass