Project #1 Martin, Monica

  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    a. If I wasn't born I wouldn't be here
    b. The day I started my whole life
  • Period: to

    my life

  • My first best-friend

    My first best-friend
    a. We became friends in 2nd grade
    b. Our relationship lasted 3-4 years
    c. After she moved, we lost connection
  • My very first boyfriend

    My very first boyfriend
    a. We dated for 6 moths
    b. He was still my longest relationship
    c. We were only 13
  • Met my second best friend

    Met my second best friend
    a. We met at a pool
    b. We're still best friends after 5 years and still going
    c. We're slowly losing connection
  • I got braces

    I got braces
    a. I had braces on for 2 years
    b. I had to have 2 teeth pulled
    c. Had surgury on my mouth 3 times because the dentist people messed up
  • Went through a low state for awhile

    Went through a low state for awhile
    a. All started when I moved into my dads
    b. Developed problems
    c. Lived with him for 3 years
  • My first love

    My first love
    a. I was only 15
    b. He was turning 18
    c. I broke up w him because he disrespected my mom
  • Moved in with my mom full time

    Moved in with my mom full time
    a. We moved from Apache Juntion to San Tan Valley
    b. Been living with her for almost a year
    c. All my problems I had with my dad went away
  • Got my braces off

    Got my braces off
    1. My teeth were perfect for the first time now. b. With-in that week, I got my licence. c. Twinned with my best friend
  • Got my irst job

    Got my irst job
    a. I work at McDonal's
    b. Almost evryone I work with is like family to me
    c. Only been working ther for like 3-4 months