
  • Late adulthood to death - Cognitive

    I hope that my brain is still functional and i escape dementia and alzheimers.Hope to die peacefully in hospice.
  • Prenatal Development and Birth

    I was born February 11th 1980.Second child in my family of four.
  • First Two Years - Biosocial Domain

    My mother said i was seven pound 11 ounces at birth.I was a "good sleeper"averaging about seven hours of sleep from about five months old.I was always curious to know whats going on around me and my brain seemed to work faster than i could move.I started walking at about ten months and bumped into everything.My immunizations were upto date all the time.I was breast fed for the first six months then formula and lots of bananas after and hearing was normal.
  • First Two Years- Psychosocial

    My parents were students and so we had a maid in the house and i was really close to her.My parents were really never around much and we lived far from relatives.I trusted our maid and had more of a secure attachment to her.
  • First Two Years- Cognitive

    Sensorimotor and language.I spoke a few words in my native language Kamba but it was hard for me to learn a language since half the people spoke kamba and the rest either english or swahili.I could say mama or tata.The maid would read to me.I dont recall my parents reading to me.I learnt the kamba language and at could make two or three word sentenses.
  • Play Years - Cognitive

    I started preschool early and i loved school.I wasnt good at reading but i learned pretty fast.I still struggled with language alittle since my parents moved to a community that didnt speak Kamba and so i learnt their language Kikuyu and forgot Kamba completely.
  • Play years- Biosocial

    I was a normal weight.Right handed and loved to write on everything.We couldnt afford a tri-cycle so my mum said i would run to the neighbors and use theirs.I knew to say please since i was borrowng it.was also a shy child at this stage.I loved to play dress up and match up my clothes.I would also dress my barbie.
  • Play Years - Pyschosocial

    I loved to play.There wasnt enough laughter at home so preschool was heaven for me.I wasnt a great negotiator and that got me in trouble sometimes but i still had plenty of little friends.It was hard to express my emotions at times since there were authoritarian parents at home.I ran to my maid for everything.I started being more aware of my friends opions and negotiations got better.
  • School Years - Cognitive

    At age 7 i literally spoke two languages outside the home(Swahili and kikuyu) and was in the process of learning English.I was also a reader and could get really creative and imaginitive.Reading was an escape.
  • School Years - Biosocial

    I loved to play in my second and third grade and sometimes would get in trouble for running to the neighbors to play.I also loved using clay(play doh) to model stuff.Anything that had to do with running i loved.My favorite fruit was mangoes and we had vendors outside the school gate that we could buy fruits from on our way home from school.
  • School Years - Psychosocial

    Industry vs Inferiority.Our Maid we had known forever got fired.I hated this time.My mother hired a new one and it wasnt the same.She was done school but did not involve herself in our lives much.I wasnt allowed to have sleepovers but i played with my friends alot.My dad also left for canada to pursue his masters and we were happy he was gone since he was an authoritarian and beat us up for anything and everything.
  • Adolescence - Biosocial

    I hit puberty at age 12 and it was confusing time in my life.I was unhappy with everything and did not like anyone talking about my body changes since it made me very uncomfortable.I was smaller than most children my age and average height.I loved to run.Being in a boarding school,I did not have much of a good diet but ate whatever was served and it was mass produced.I remeber being always hungry.
  • Adolescence - Cognitive

    Indentity vs Role confusion - At this age i had no idea what the world expected of me.I was growing up so fast even for myself and did not really have someone to talk to except my school mates who seemed to physically ahead of me and too experienced with the world.I felt lonely and isolated in my own world and did not fit anywhere.We went to visit my dad in Canada at age 12 and it was the best experience being on a plane and i knew i wanted to be someone and go places as an adult.
  • Adolescence - Psychosocial

    I went to an all girls boarding school and no experience with boys at all.At 16,a boy came to my house to look for me and i did not know who he was and i ran to grandmother crying that there was a boy there for me.Thats the first time someone told me about relationships and what to say to boys I was too shy to speak to boys and i just wanted to finish school and achieve bigger better things without the boys distracting me.I had a few good girl friends.
  • Young Adulthood - Biosocial

    This is the intimacy vs isolation stage.I met my first boyfriend right after high school and i fell hard for him.He was my counsellor,my friend and someone in my life i trusted.He was an awesome human being.I moved from Kenya to Canada for college and a week after arriving at a Bible college found out i was pregnant.It was a crisis and now i had adult issues.I had great friends in the dormitory but the enviroment was not condusive for pregnant foreign student or any student.Ihad alot on my plate
  • Young Adulthood - Cognitive

    I got my certificate from Bible school and started to raise a child on my own in foregn country.My boyfriend was back in Kenya getting his bachelors.He eventually got a scholarship to come to the USA for his Phd and i joined him.I went to nursing school and got my Nursing associates degree and in June will have my Bachelors.Hoping to join graduate school in the fall.I feel the need to be academically succesful to prove my parents wrong,my mum once said that i will never amount to anything.
  • Young Adulthood - Pyschosocial

    I ended up marrying my first boyfirend and he is an amazing dad and husband.The only support i have had in my life really.We have a great relationship and he has been always there for me.I dont think my life would be the same if it wasnt for him.I have also developed great relationships with a few women who are a great support system.I have two children now and i work hard in making sure they have a great realistic upbringing.
  • Middle Adulthood - Biosocial

    Hope to be done with school.I hope to see my children develop and go through school and be responsible people.I hope to someday have grandchildren.I hope to volunteer at some of the places i have worked in my life.I hope my memory does not fail me as i get older and i can remember my kids and be involved in their lives.
  • Middle Adulthood - Psychosocial

    At this age,i hope that i will not be angry and lashing out at people for nothing.My friends will be those that i have known for along time and trust them alot.i hope to have success in my career and a feeling of accomplishment in my family life.I hope i dont sit and feel sorry for myself or feel like a failure.
  • Middle Adult - Cognitive

    I hope to be able to retire early and be able to travel so that i can tell my grandkids about my experiences.I hope to look at my life and see how much i enjoyed life and not feel misery about career choices i made.I hope that my work will still make me happy at the last few days before retirement.Pray that i dont get dementia or get depressed and my brain functions well till the end.
  • Late Adulthood to death - Biosocial

    I hope to be involved in social clubs at this ae and participate alot in community events.I hope to use the nursing wealth of knowledge i will have accumulated to educate younger generations.
  • Late adulthood to death - Pyschosocial

    I hope my husband is still alive and we enjoy the lasty years of our lives together.Hope i done depend too much on my children and hope to never end up in a nursing home.I know dying will be constantly in my mind and hope to interated than in despair.