Progress Map

  • DIssertation Prep Brief set

    Today I was introduced to the unit and show some previous work examples, finally the brief for my dissertation was set. We were asked to start thinking about what topic we would like our question to be based around.
  • Discussing Different Dissertation Options

    Did some external research into previous dissertation pieces by past student. This was to get an understanding of all the different dissertation options.
  • Lecture: Explaining Research Review and Research Strategy

    Breifly discussed with my tutor about the draft for my dissertation question. I exaplined that I wanted to do it based on crime films and thier relation to true crime events. After discussion my tutor agreed that this was a good topic but advised me to consider how I would phrase my question in the most effective way possible.
  • Progress Map

    Started developing this progress map
  • Started researching into books and some online articles

    After getting the go ahead for my topic I decided to start reading information from books and online journals. I did this with the hope of giving me some good ground knowledge before starting further research. Although I don't have my question finalised yet I know the basis of my question.
  • Further reading and Primary Research Prep

    I've now collected most of my early reading materials and read through them briefly. Further on I will read and annotate them all. I've also planned what primary research I will conduct over summer.
  • Dissertation Formative

    Today I also had my dissertation, in this I met with peers and my tutor and brainstormed my question. After some very useful feedback from my peers. I refined my question to now be How has the genre of crime films been affected by true crime?
  • Wrote my Proposal Overview

    Today I wrote up my proposal overview and started reading Sidney Lumet - Making Movies. I hope to gain an understanding of what inspires directors to make crime films.
  • Lecture: Ethics checklist & wrote my research strategy

    Today I attended my ethics lecture, this was very helpful as it helped understand why we use ethic checklists and how to fill it out when it comes to finishing my dissertation prep document.
  • Finished my Dissertation Preparation

    Today I finished Dissertation Preparation document excluding my bibliography. I've aimed to finish this in time for my lecture on 30th where I can obtain feedback on it.
  • Finished my bibliography

    Today I finished my bibliography and ensured that everything was properly harvard referenced.
  • Handed in work and continued with some extra research

    I handed in my work today after refining some mistakes brought up in my feedback session.
  • Going to focus on other University work Until June 15th

    Due to my DFP course work I'm going to be busy until around June 15th
  • Renting out books and gathering some reading sources over summer

    Before breaking away for summer I plan to rent and book out some reading materials which are listed in my bibliography to read over summer.
  • Holiday

    I will be on holiday for a week so I won't be doing any research as I need a break after a stressful University term.
  • Reading and watching Case Study Films

    Now that I'm back from holiday I'm going to continue reading into books from my reading list and going to watch Clockwork Orange and Shockingly wicked evil and vile.
  • Reading and Annotating Thomas Leitch Crime Films

    Today I started reading and annotating Thomas Leitch Crime Films, while also annotating it and making notes.
  • Holiday

    Today I'm going on a two week holiday, I will be continuing my reading but not progressing further with my research until I'm back.
  • Read and annotate Nicole Rafter Shots in the Mirror

    Today after finishing my previous book on holiday, I will start to read and annotate my next main body of text research.
  • Prepping for Directors Interviews

    I will start my research into candidates for my interview and will start approaching candidates, while also start prepping my questions.
  • Further Research into interview questions and candidates

    hopefully locked in at least one candidate.
  • Questions and candidates finalised

    Question and candidates all booked and finaliased.
  • Attend True Crime Museum

    Attend an exhibition at the True Crime Museum.
  • Final Touches

    FInal touches and extra research before going back to uni.