Post Classical Timeline

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    Africa: Ghana

    -Ghana developed when settled, agricultural people sought to protect their societie from camel-riding nomads from the Sahara.
    -Ghana was the most important commercial site in west Africa because it wa the center for trade of gold, which had high demand from economic developement.
    -Ghana's capital was also its principle trading site at Koumbi-Saleh, a small town with a thriving commerical center and a population of 15,000-20,000 residents.
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    Europe: The Franks

    -The Franks constructed a society that drew on the agricultural resources of continental Europe.
    -The Franks had little experience in government and little exposure to Roman society.
    -By adopting Roman Christianity, the Franks attracted the allegiance of the Christian population of the former Roman empire as well as the recognition and support from the pope.
  • Jan 27, 700

    Mesoamerica: Toltecs

    -The Toltecs originated from the arid land of northwestern Mexico, and they settled mostly at Tula.
    -The Toltecs tapped the waters of the nearby River Tula to irrigate crops of maize, beans, peppers, tomatoes, chiles, and cotton.
    -Tula supported an urban population of sixty thousand people and the surrounding region held another sixty thousand.
  • Jan 27, 700

    Europe: The Carolignians

    -The Carolingian Empire takes its name from it founder, Charles Martel because of his military prowess.
    -Charles Martel's grandson temporarily reestablished centralized imperial rule in a society disrupted by invasion and contests for power between ambitious local rulers.
  • Jan 27, 960

    South Asia: Song Dynasty

    -The Song Dynasty was the first government to issue bank notes and use paper money.
    -The Song Dynasty made many scientific advancements such as gunpowder and the first "Due North" compass.
    -The Song Dynasty was conquered by Khublai Khan in 1279.
  • Jan 27, 1000

    Africa: The Swahili City-States

    -The Swahili City-States each developed into a powerful city-state governed by a king who supervised trade and organized public life in the region.
    -Villages in the interior region had buildings made of wood and dried mud, also used to make mosques.
    -By the twelfth century, Swahili peoples began to construct buildings out of coral.
  • Jan 27, 1025

    WHAP Theme 4

    Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of Economic Systems
    The post classical societies were constantly evolving and changing. Societies such as the Toltects used water tapping techniques of the nearby River Tula to irrigate their crops. Ghana was the center of gold trading, causing them to economically prosper. The Swahili City-States used advanved resources to construct buildings and mosques such as wood, mud, and coral. These post classical societies were constantly trading and prospering.
  • Jan 27, 1206

    East, Central, Middle East, South East Asia: Mongols

    -The Mongols were ruled by Ghenghi Khan in 1206. He ruled for 21 years to his death in 1227.
    -The Mongol empire went through a period of peace, similar to the Romans, called "pax Mongolica".
    -The Mongol empire was so large that in modern day it would span across 39 countries.
  • Jan 27, 1345

    Mesoamerica: The Mexica

    -The Mexica are often referred to as Aztecs because they dominated the alliance that built the Aztec empire in the fifteenth century.
    -The Mexica had a reputation for making trouble by kidnapping women from nearby communities and seizing the land.
    -For a century they migrated around central Mexico, fighting with other groups of people and surviving by eating snakes and fly eggs.