PM- French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revoution

  • Louis Calls the Estates-General

    Louis Calls the Estates-General
    Calling of the First, Second and Third Estate to discuss financial problems within the country and discuss how taxes should be distributed. All Estates had delegates that represented them, and the Third Estate decided to create their own government changes, called the National Assembly. Calling this meeting was significant because it started the National Assemby, the first deliberate act of revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The National Assembly were locked out of their meeting room, but did not stop, so they broke down the doors of a tennis court and swore to stay there until a new constitution was drawn up.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    Many of the 3rd estate in France believe that the government was going to fight back, so they armed themselves and attacked a prison for more weapons to fight them. They beheaded guards and rescued prisoners. This was significant because it was a great symbolic act of revolution that is still remembered in France today.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    Declaration of Rights of Man
    The Declaration was adopted and written by the National Assembly. Writing this ensured liberty, property, security and equality to the French citizens. This was significant because in doing so, Louis tempts to make an escape and everyone considers him a traitor of their country,
  • Louis' Trial

    Louis' Trial
    Louis was arrested due to acting as a traitor and escaping when France was at a time of foot shortage and debt. He was punished by being sent to the Guillotine and was significant because it was a victory of the revolutionaries.
  • Robespierre Comes to Power

    Robespierre Comes to Power
    Robespierre became a member of the Comittee of Public Safety and contributed in the execution of Louis XVI. He became president of the National Convention on June 4 1974 and became a leader that killed many people that supported the king.
  • The Terror

    The Terror
    The Terror was a time of riotinig and lots of deaths due to the ruling of Robespierre. He killed many people with the Guillotine and there was a lot of war with the rest of Europe. Many lives were lost and a change of thought in the people of France led people to believe that Robespierre was not a fit ruler,
  • Robespierre Killed

    Robespierre Killed
    Was killed necause of people thinking that his ruling was not fair and too many lives were being lost in the Guillotine, so they sent him to the Guillotine in order to stop all of the deaths of people that supported the king. This ended the terror of France.