Phase 2

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    Dechristianization involved the Legislative Assembly and later the National Convention attacking all things Roman Catholic and Christian. Some Christians were condemned to death, and all religious symbols were destroyed. Worship services were also prohibited. These actions occurred because people grew to hate religion and its ideal during the Reign of Terror.
  • Brunswick Manifesto

    Brunswick Manifesto
    The Duke of Brunswick ordered that if anyone attempted to do harm against the royal family or put them in danger that the French citizens would pay for it.
  • Storming of the Tulleries

    Storming of the Tulleries
    The citizens of France revolted in anger against King Louis. They worked in cahoots with the National Gaurd to dethrown Louis and end monorcracy, storming the Tulleries Palace in great numbers and overwhelming the palace gaurds working there.
  • September Massacres

    September Massacres
    The September Massacres occured admist a period of fear. The massacres were a result of a speach Georges Danton, who was a "minister of justice in the French Legislative Assembly" gave. The speech encouraged the revolutionaries to kill all the traitors. The first attack was on prisoners being moved between two prisions. This violence had a ripple effect all around the city. Around 1400 people were killed in the September Massacres.
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    National Convention

    The National Convention accomplished many things for the rebels during its exsitance. However, one of the first things it did was sentence King Louis the XIV to death. After, It had to deal with a war against many European countries attempting to contain the revolution. There was also a political struggle between the Monagnards, who were radical, and the Girodins, who were more moderate. The National Convention created the Reign of Terror, tried to prevent inflation, and passed legislation.
  • Louis XVI executed

    Louis XVI executed
    In 1788, Louis was forced to reinstate France's National Assembly which cut off the king's powers and imprisoned Louis and his family. Louis attempted escape in 1791 but was captured and returned to Paris. In 1792, the newly elected National Convention declared France a republic and brought Louis to trial for crimes against the people. He was convicted and executed on January 21, 1793.
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    Reign of Terror

    Suspected enemies of the French Revolution suffered harsh consequences during the Reign of Terror. Over 300,000 were arrested, 17,000 were terminated. Local terrors had an economic side, price-control, and a religious side, The Committee of Public Safety essentially controled the French Governement throughout this time.
  • Committee of Public Safety

    Committee of Public Safety
    During the reign of terror, the Committee of Public Safety was a 12 member committee that established courts to examine the cases of people accused of being against the revolution in France. Between June and July 1794, the committee sent 1500 people to the guillotine, a large portion of whom were innocent.
  • Thermidorian reaction

    Thermidorian reaction
    The French Revolution came to somewhat of a close with a revolt against the Reign of Terror and a decision from the Committee of public safety voting to put the remaining leaders of the terror to death. This revolt was called the Thermidorian reaction and pretty much marks the end of the Terror.