Perspectives and Representation of Christianity in the Real World and in Horror

  • Rosemary's Baby

    Rosemary's Baby
    This commentary on "Rosemary's Baby," inspects the portrayal of religion in light of a popular social issue in the real world. The debate over women's right to choose was a hot topic at the time, and the way it is explored presents the religious aspects of this movie to be negative. At the time, many horror movies were intertwined with real world issues, and the trend at the time was not to portray the religion in a good way. This reflects the divisive opinions the public had about Christianity.
  • Christianity in Crisis

    Christianity in Crisis
    In 1986, the Newspaper Christianity in Crisis published a newspaper article highlighting a dark side of the entanglement of politics and religion within the Catholic Church. Mary Ann Sorrentino, director of the Rhode Island Planned Parenthood wad excommunicated from the Catholic Church due to pro choice ideals. This article highlights the issues within the religion and the perception many Christians had concerning the negative direction the religion may have been heading in.
  • Religion and Politics

    Religion and Politics
    This excerpt from the book "Religion and Politics" discusses the difficulty Christians may have with political involvement interfering with their religious purpose. The way Christians have allowed their faith to interfere with their politics has been a point of contention between those in the religion and the general public. As movies often mimic real life events, religion in horror at this time was often being showed as problematic or extreme, which gave a bad light to those in the religion.
  • Review of "The Conjuring"

    Review of "The Conjuring"
    "The Conjuring" was a box-office horror hit that premiered in 2013 that included religious undertones in its portrayal of a frightening haunting in a Rhode Island farmhouse. In this opinion, reviewer D.D Ullrey is pleasantly surprised by the positive portrayal this movie had to offer. He signifies that past horror movies may have portrayed catholics in a negative light, but this portrayal may be a sign of a change in direction when it comes to how the Church is portrayed in horror.
  • Pope Francis leads Catholicism in a Positive Direction

    Pope Francis leads Catholicism in a Positive Direction
    The December 2014 issue of Christianity today, geared primarily towards members of the religion, highlights their hope and optimism that the appointment of Pope Francis brought to the religion. In contrary to the 1986 article, this cover highlights a positive attitude the members of the religion have, and it also reflects the general public's perception, as Pope Francis has become popular in and out of the religion, positively affecting its general perception.