Personal Timelines

  • My Birth

    I was born on December 15, 2002 at Bakersfield Southwest Mercy Hospital and I weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces. According to my parents, the delivery was over 12 hours.
  • My very first day of kindergarden

    I was enrolled at Loudon Elementary. My experience here was horrible because all of my teachers were so mean and did not know how to really teach; therefore, never helped me. Obviously this excludes a couple of my teachers out of the 7 that I had.
  • First time riding a roller coaster

    The summer of 2012 came along and my family went to magic mountain! I was terrified of roller coasters and any rides for that matter, but my dad made me go on the scariest ride (X2) and I literally was literally begging not to go on the ride; it didn't work. After the ride was over, I thought that roller coasters weren't bad after all. Ever since, I have enjoyed roller coasters ever since! This taught me that if you experience your fears, then you might end up liking it depending on what it is.
  • 1st time getting straight A's (5th grade)

    This accomplishment helped me to continue to aim for the highest and to always try my best on everything that I do, even when I am feeling sad or low. This started a new trend in my academic career because I now have earned straight A's ever since (5 school years). This is something that really encourages me to do good not only at school, but at everything else I do in my life such as doing things for the community and spreading kindness like helping an elderly person cross the street.
  • Grandma passes away

    This was a very emotional part of my life, especially at the age of 11. Although this was difficult to get through, I had to learn to be strong and realize that everything occurs for a reason. The world seemed to stop at the time and everything felt out of place, so I turned to activities that would help get my mind off things helping me realize that the world moves on. I learned one great lesson out of the situation: cherish every moment you have with your friends and especially your family!
  • I quit baseball

    I played for a club baseball team know as the Rage. I really enjoyed baseball and even thought that I might become a pro baseball player, but on this team, I lost interest in the sport. The coaches were unfair and made me uncomfortable; hence I quit. My parents did not make it easy to quit and made me talk to the coach about why I wanted to quit and why I didn't like his teaching. This built my confidence, my ability to stand up for what I believe is right, and to not give into peer pressure!
  • 7th grade / True best friend

    The transition between elementary school to Junior high felt amazing. I felt that I knew everything back then and little did I know, I didn't. Junior high was amazing because there was little homework and the classes were super easy where I still had time to spend time with my family and friends! In seventh grade, I met my a really good friend. We had a lot of similarities and very few differences. He along with other friends encouraged me to do good in my life and to stay on the right track.
  • My parents continue to get unhealthy

    I was in the 3rd grade when I began to understand the health issues my mom had. As life went on, my mom has had to take more and more pills every year. Not only did this terrify me, it made me fearful of loosing someone I loved and it was always on the back of my mind and life was horrible. Meanwhile, my fathers alcohol addiction continued to worsen. Despite all of this, I had to learn to use the situation to turn it into something positive and because of this, I now have that skill mastered.
  • Freshman year

    In my freshman year I decided to continue band. Little did I know, band required a lot of time and took a lot effort and dedication; however, I was dedicated and decided to put most of my time and efforts towards band. This was one of my smartest decisions that I ever made if I had to decide because band not only taught me discipline, but also taught me that hard work pays off! I really had funny in band and it allowed me to get the negative things off my mind and I am really thankful for that.
  • Now

    As I wrote this assignment, it made me think about all of my negative as well as positive moments. This timeline helped me realize that I don’t have a lot of hardships in my life and made me more thankful because it helped me understand that other people in the world have worse situations happen to them, so I cannot complain about a loss or a minor hardship when people in the world are struggling to live. Thank you Mr. Donez for giving me this assignment, for it made me realize how lucky I am!