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Personal Timeline

  • Birth

    On May 27th, 2002, I was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan. My Mom, Darlene, gave birth to me in Bronson Hospital. An interesting note is that my neighbor was actually the doctor that delivered me.
  • First Day of Preschool

    First Day of Preschool
    This day was important for me as it marked the beginning of me joining the community by attending school. I began learning about structure and respecting authoritative figures in school and it gave me the building blocks for my education.
  • Leaving Michigan to Move to Kansas

    Leaving Michigan to Move to Kansas
    Moving from my hometown of Richland, MI to Overland Park, KS was scary for me. It marked a big event in my life because I had never moved before and had no idea how to handle adjusting to a new area and meeting all new people. Looking back, moving has helped me so much and I am glad we did it as I wouldn't be the same person today had I stayed in that small town in Michigan my entire life. In this picture, I am next to two of my closest friends in Michigan and this was the day before I moved.
  • Bar Mitzvah

    Bar Mitzvah
    My bar mitzvah was a huge event in my life. Being Jewish, it represents the transition into adulthood. I had all my family and closest friends attend and it was a really special moment to celebrate.
  • My First Car

    My First Car
    Turning 16 and getting a car for my birthday was a huge event in my life. It changed everything once I was able to drive. I can now do almost everything independently and I love it. I also love my car, a 2016 Chevy Malibu!
  • Graduating High School

    Graduating High School
    Graduating high school will be a big accomplishment in my life, it will mark my completion of basic education and almost the end of my childhood. I have put a lot of work in high school and look forward to graduating with high accolades
  • Graduating College

    Graduating College
    I have been excited for college my whole life and I know once I graduate it will be a big milestone to celebrate. It will mark my beginning of life in the new world where I will have a job and work everyday. I hope to graduate with a good degree and good GPA so I can possibly get into a Master's program I want.
  • Marriage

    Getting married will obviously be one of the most important days of my life. It will signify my commitment to living the rest of my life with a partner and I will have all my family and best friends there with me to celebrate.
  • Birth of Daughter/Son

    Birth of Daughter/Son
    This day might be the most important day in my life. Having a son or daughter has always been a dream of mine and I can not wait to be able to raise my own child and see them succeed in the world.
  • My Dream Job

    My Dream Job
    Hopefully by around this time, I will be close if not succeeding in my dream type of job in my career. There is not a certain job that I dream of having, but in general I want to work as an executive in the front office of an MLB team. I think with hard work and dedication I can work up the ranks and eventually get to that spot. I hope this will happen around sometime in my 40s or 50s if not earlier.
  • Retirement

    This will mark the end of my working career. By now I will have a bunch of money saved up so that I can rive the rest of my life comfortable along with my wife, while also supporting my children in whatever they might need.
  • Question 1: What does your time line tell you about yourself?

    I think my timeline tells me that I am very proud in my accomplishments as most of my events are things worthy of celebrating (Bar Mitzvah, Graduation, dream job, etc) and I am also confident that I will do whatever it takes to get the life I want and feel I deserve. For example I am fairly confident I am going to get my dream job as I know what it takes and am willing to work for it.
  • Question 2: How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    I would be very different if some of the things on my line got changed. For example if I didn't graduate high school, I couldn't get into college therefore I would not qualify for a good job. That means I wouldn't even get the opportunity to work my way up to me dream job. So graduating high school has a huge effect on multiple of the other events in my timeline. My life would be very different, but I think for the negative. I'm very happy with how my life is so far and wouldn't change anything.
  • Question 3: How flexible or fixed does your future seem do be?

    My future seems a little bit fixed in that I want to have a wife and children and I am 99% sure I will be graduating high school and college. But, there is a lot of flexibility in when some of those things will be happening for example I would like to get married and have kids before I am 35 but I am not dead set on doing it at a certain age. Also getting my "dream job" is very flexible since there is not one job in particular that falls into that category.