Personal Timeline

  • Life changing decision-Personal

    Life changing decision-Personal
    In eighth grade, I accepted Jesus as my Savior. This decision is important towards my life as an educator because when I made Him the Lord of my life every decision I now make is filtered through and for him. Therefore my purpose in teaching is more than to just educate, but to love the children passionately through teaching. It is my ministry.
  • Period: to

    Defining Moments

  • Soccer-Personal

    Soccer is my passion, and making the varsity team was so exciting for me as a freshman. I had the opportunity to not only be on the team but start. Playing with girls older than me was something I loved.
  • Moving to NC-Personal

    Moving to NC-Personal
    Between the 9th and 10th grade, my family and I moved from TN to NC. This changed my world, and as a teacher it will help me understand how difficult it can be for students socially when they move.
  • Internship-Professional

    In high school, I was blessed with the opportunity to have an intership at a local elementary school beginning my junior year. Spending everyday in Mrs. Whitson's kindergarten classroom confirmed my aspiration to teach. It also revealed my passion to teach at a low-income school because it would allow me to love children that may not see at home the way the should.
  • Signing Day-Professional

    Signing Day-Professional
    Signing to come play soccer at Carson-Newman is definitely a decision that has impacted my life greatly. I would have never expected coming to CN would have shaped me so significantly. While being at CN, my passion for teaching has fostered through many experiences I would not have experienced if not here. Additionally my philosophy for teaching has deepened, and I am grateful for what the education department has taught me,
  • Graduation-Professional

    Graduating high school is obviously significant for my career in teaching because it is a requirement. It helped prepare me for college which is preparing me to teach.
  • Camden, NJ-Professional

    Camden, NJ-Professional
    Spring break freshman year of college, I went on a mission trip to Camden, NJ. It was there that God confirmed my desire to teach in an urban setting. I fell in love with the kids I spent time with that week.
  • Freshman Award-Personal

    Freshman Award-Personal
    Recieving the Freshman Award at the college level at CN is one of my favorite memories. It is an award that I feel took a lot of hard work and self-discipline to earn. Soccer is something that has developed a ton of character in me that definitely will impact me as a teacher. It has taught me numerous of things, but the character it has instilled in me whent things do not go as planned is inmeasurable.
  • FUGE-Personal

    Working for FUGE two summers ago was one of the best experiences I have had. It was a job, but it was so much more to me and rarely felt like a job. It stretched me and challenged me in my walk with Christ. It was there that revealed to me my love for middle schoolers which is now why I hope to teach middle school.
  • Graduating College-Professional

    Recieving my degree at graduation in May will have a great impact for me. All the hours of studying, papers, projects, etc. will have paid off. I will obviously be qualified and certified to teach!