Personal Timeline

  • My Birth

    I was born in Los Angles, California;I am the first born child.
  • My Brother Was Born

    When I was like 3 years old, my Mom and Dad brought home a bald headed little boy named Luis Daniel Lopez. I call him Dan or Daniel, but when I'm with my cousin we call him Dan the Boob. He's pretty cool, I didn't like him at first, but now that he's older, he's less annoying. He plays soccer, and gets good grades, and also plays the saxophone.
  • My Sister Is Born

    When I was like 6 my mom had a baby and her name was Jasmine Lopez. I chose her name when I was like 5 sooo it was based on a princess. Now she's like 8 and a total brat. She gets whatever she wants whenever she wants and I don't like that but she's cool sometimes and I still love her.
  • I Get 200 Reading Points

    When I was in like 5th grade I used to be like a huge bookworm who loved to read, like I could read like 8 books in a week. I'm not like that anymore :( I wish I was, because I miss being able to read so constantly without stopping, now I can't finish a book in a week ! But yeah I got like 200 AR points and everyyyone was totally jealous of me and I don't even know why.
  • First Day At A New School

    When I was in 3rd grade, like 11 years old, I moved to Siebert Elementary. That's where I met my first ever best friends. I'm still best friends with all of them, they all come here to Ridgeview too :) I made a lot of friends even though I used to be very shy. My teacher was named Mrs. Bush and she was the nicest 3rd grade teacher in the whole school.
  • I Get My Black Belt

    When I was in 5th grade my teacher was like " Oh yeah I have my black belt in Tae Kwon Do. " So then I told my mom and then she put in Tae Kwon Do too. I got my black belt when I was like 14 and yeah that's pretty cool
  • I Went Thompson Jr. High

    After I finished elementary I went to Thompson Jr. High. Most of my fondest memories were made at that school. I met my other best friend, Eric there. I also meet Jade; I met her in the ACES program we were both in. I was in chorus and yearbook. I was also in zero period, and the ACES program like I stated earlier. In my 8th grade year I was the Timberwolf of the year which was very cool. I tried to get all A's every year and one time I actually did!
  • I Get My New Dog

    So I have a pet, he's a dog and very handsome. His name is Ollie. He is a bichon frise and I got him after my other dog named Chole passed away. She was the best dog anyone could ever ask for. Ollie is white with goldish ears, and he's like the length of the desk that I'm sitting at right now as I type this. He's a pretty good dog, he's kinda trained, he follows me when we go out, and I also don't have to use a leash. Everyone loves him. He's taught me to be really nice because I love him :)
  • I Move Into My New House

    I literally just moved into my house a year ago and I really really like it, I hope we stay in this house for ever and ever :)
  • My Interest In Baking Grows

    Recently, I've started to like baking. I like to bake cookies, cakes, cupcakes, but brownies are my favorite. I don't know how I started liking baking, one day when I was home alone, I just started mixing things in a bowel (after a couple of Youtube videos) and then put it in an oven and then out came my new favorite thing to do. I still like to bake, but like I really don't like putting all the pots and pans back into the oven.