Personal Timeline

  • Birth

  • Brother Born

    Brother Born
  • Move to New House

    Move to New House
    Also moved me from the Olathe district to Blue Valley.
  • Become Friends with Ava

    Become Friends with Ava
    She has been one of my best friends and has changed my life for the better.
  • Join WolfByte

    Join WolfByte
    This was when I found what I was passionate about and has helped lead me to my decision on what career path to pursue.
  • Uncle Passes Away

    Uncle Passes Away
    My 15 year old cousin will be moving in with us before the end of the year, and my 19 year old cousin will be visiting a lot more, since their mom passed away a few years ago as well. My dad has been back and forth to Iowa and will be for the next year or so to make sure everything gets worked out.
  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
    Most likely with degrees in Marketing/Advertising and Sports Broadcasting.
  • Take a Gap Year

    Take a Gap Year
    Take a year to travel the world and enjoy everything before starting a career.
  • Start my Career

    Start my Career
    Begin working in the sports industry- whether it is on the marketing/advertising side or the broadcasting side.
  • Buy a House

    Buy a House
  • Get Married

    Get Married
  • Retire

  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    I think I would be a pretty different person. Had I not joined WolfByte, I likely would not have found the thing I am very passionate about. In addition, I would not have the self confidence, work ethic, and people skills that I have today. Another event that I can see potentially changing the person I am is my uncle passing away. Even though it was recent, I am already learning how much I take my parents and everything that they have done for me for granted.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem do be? Rubric

    I think my future is still relatively flexible. I have an idea of what I want my life to look like and some of the things I want to do, but I am okay with the idea that things may not turn out exactly like that. I realize that my mindset and opinions about certain things will change, and that will likely influence what I decide to do with my life.
  • What does your timeline tell you about yourself?

    My timeline tells me that I have a solid idea of what I believe my life could look like. From my timeline, it is clear that I value family, friends, and working hard for what I want. In addition, the person I am today has been influenced more than the people that I have met than any events that have happened in my past.