
Gino Wheeler- Personal Identity Timeline

  • The birth

    The birth
    On december 10th, 2003 I was born during the winter at around 5 am surrounded by alot of nurses, family and friends and in the hospital.
  • First Christmas

    First Christmas
    When I was still in the hospital I spent my first christmas surrounded by family,friends and gifts.
  • Going Home

    Going Home
    In the middle of february in 2004 I was released from the hospital that late because I was below my weight as a baby but soon after I was surrounded by family and friends.
  • First Day at Pre-K

    First Day at Pre-K
    Around the age of 3 or 4 I started Pre-K and at that time I learned new things like ABC's and as well made new friends and had fun in the process of growing as a person.
  • Tonsils Removed

    Tonsils Removed
    When I was around 5 years old I my tonsils were removed and that I had to stay at home and recover by attempting to eat cold food such as ice cream which wasn't that bad .
  • Ankle Injury

    Ankle Injury
    When I was around 10 years old there was a incident with my ankle and bed railing and let's just say it doesn't end well and led me to get stitches and having to go to school still because I was "so" motivated.
  • My Brother

    My Brother
    When my brother was born it changed everything meaning that I had to become more responsible being the second oldest and having to be there for my siblings .
  • 8th Grade Graduation

    8th Grade Graduation
    On July 15th 2018 was the day that me and my friends that I've grown up with began to start a new path of growing up and journy to adulthood and as well going to high school and not having to wear bad uniforms .
  • Prep Program

    Prep Program
    Soon after graduating from middle school I began to start a prep program dealing with engineering and as well in the process I began to meet new friends and as well as learn new things involving more about engineering and how they help many people.
  • Six Flags Trip

    Six Flags Trip
    After the program was over my boss took me and my co-workers to six flags and got to go off on our own and have fun with one another by getting on the rides and basically having the freedom and treated as an adult plus we found a flash card.
  • First Day of High School

    First Day of High School
    In the month of augest I began registering to attend Morgan park and that on that day I began to schose the classes I wanted to take and as well I met some new friends and as well a old friend from my old school.
  • Football

    After the second or third time attending the program I decided to do something productive other than being in student council so I had this random thought in my head to join the football team so yea .
  • Remote Learning

    Remote Learning
    On this day my principle emailed all the students and told us that we were going to continue to do remote learning for the second time and that this was around when I chose to do CRP as my course
  • End of quarter 1

    End of quarter 1
    During the final week of quarter one was stressfull by catchig up on all the assignments and as well havig to do retakes to raise my grades up and that has made me just stressed out .
  • In the now

    In the now
    Ok so now I have been even more stressed out to the fact that i'm dealing with school and that I have to figure out a plan on what to do for my birthday and as well trying to buy me a new game console which hard to find but hopefully everything goes smoothly.