Personal History Day

  • Became a Big Sister (personal)

    My baby sister was born! I was two years old and very excited to become a big sister.
  • Started Kindergarten (Personal)

    My first day of school! I was only four years old and very nervous.
  • Moved Houses (personal)

    My family moved houses for the first time in my life. I was a child who was not a fan of change, so this was a very big deal to me.
  • Began Cheerleading (personal)

    I began the sport that I would grow to love for the rest of my life. It gave me something to pursue, and to work hard at.
  • Began Working in Church Nursery (Professional)

    At a very young age I knew that I wanted to work with children for the rest of my life. This was one of the first places that I realized that.
  • Became a Camp Counselor (professional)

    I worked at the same summer camp for five years. This was the place were I discovered the type of teacher I would like to be, and what age group I wanted to work with.
  • Parents Divorced (personal)

    My parents marriage of 22 years ended. It broke my heart.
  • Graduated High School (professional)

    As I graduated high school and began college, I realized becoming a teacher sounded terrifying. I ended up not entering college as an education major.
  • My First Practicum Experience (professional)

    On my very first day of practicum, I realized that this is where I wanted to be for the rest of my life.
  • First Time Teaching (professional)

    The very first time I taught a whole classroom, it was eighth grade English. I was terrified. The moment I began, all my fear was gone and it felt as though I had been doing that my entire life.