
Personal Digital Timeline

  • My Birth - What a glorious day!

     My Birth - What a glorious day!
    On this special day, Tuesday, October 26th, 2004, I was brought into the world in a sac.
  • First time travelling :) Destination: San Antonio, Texas

    First time travelling :) Destination: San Antonio, Texas
    My first time travelling, I went to San Antonio, Texas to see my family. I have a vague memory of being tossed in the air by my father in the pool.
  • moving to a new neighborhood :O

    moving to a new neighborhood :O
    Right before I started daycare, my parents decided to move to a new neighborhood. Our old neighborhood, near the loop, didn't have good public schools nearby, so they decided it was best to move closer to the suburbs. This neighborhood is Dunning, which I still currently live in.
  • Starting daycare

    Starting daycare
    When I turned 4, I started attending day care so my mom could return to work.
  • Kicked out of daycare! :(

    Kicked out of daycare! :(
    A few months into my daycare, I got myself kicked out. I don't exactly remember doing it, but my mom told me I kicked someone while they were sleeping, but I claimed they had started it. I'm pretty sure they did.
  • Enter Kindergarden

    Enter Kindergarden
    Once I turned 5, I started kindergarten, at Canty Elementary school. My time in kindergarten was nice, and I met some of the friends that I have today.
  • An Interest Piques!

    An Interest Piques!
    In the 4th grade, I was given the opportunity to apply for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra's percussion scholarship program. I was asked to copy the interviewers beat after a short interview, and I tried my best. Unfortunately, I wasn't chosen for the program.
  • Joining the School Band :O

    Joining the School Band :O
    In 6th grade, I decided to become a percussionist in my school band. My parents complained about the fees, but gave in because they thought it would be good for me. I played the snare drum with my friend Casey, and it gave me something fun to do afterschool, as well as develop my musicality.
  • New puppy :)

    Around this time, my parents decided to get the family a new dog. We hadn't had one in a while, and I was really excited to have a puppy in the house. His name is rizzo, and hes 5 years old now. He's grown to be a more calm and sleepy dog then when he was a puppy.
  • Another One??

    About a year after we got rizzo, we didn't want him to be lonely, so we got another dog, Addison. She is a blue-nosed pitbull, and she was so tiny when we got her! She's really big now, and is the guard dog of the house, kind of. Anyways, it was nice to have another pup in the house.
  • 8th grade graduation!

    8th grade graduation!
    On this day I graduated 8th grade. A big step forward in my life, and I was very excited to enter high school.
  • Enter Highschool

    Enter Highschool
    On this day was my first day of high school. I had no idea what was to come. The people I would meet, the fun i would have, and the relationships that have grown over the years with people I met in high school. It was very intimidating at first, there were more people then I had ever seen in a school, but it shaped out to be a great freshman year.
  • Vinyl Collection Begins

    Vinyl Collection Begins
    Around this time, I decided to delve into the world of vinyl. I collected my favorite classic rock albums, that go for a pretty inflated sum of money. I still have plenty of albums, but lately I've been selling them for a slight profit.
  • Period: to


    I think around this time the Coronavirus pandemic started. It put an end to my freshman year, a couple months early. I was really bummed about it at the time, as I was thrusted into remote learning for the first time and it was frustrating to navigate, I didn't know what changes were to come and quite how long quarantine would extend for. While the coronavirus pandemic still isn't over, I put an end date to my timeline because of the return to normalcy that occurred due to worldwide efforts.
  • Newport!

    Around this time, I started getting into music, and I discovered the enjoyment that came from playing and creating it. As a result, some friends and I formed Newport, our band. I initially bought a guitar to become a guitarist, but I switched to drums because my friend is a really good guitarist. This started me playing the drums again, which has become one of my favorite things to do over time.
  • Musical breakthrough?

    Musical breakthrough?
    This title is a bit exaggerated, but I feel I had to include this event because of the drastic change in the music i listen to. When I first started the drums, my playing was stiff, my hands were tense and my I was using the wrong equipment. However, around the time of this event, I started caring about my practice more, and listening to different drummers that played loose, fluidly, and remain in the pocket of the groove. This realization of metronomic freedom allowed me to play more open.
  • Period: to

    Building my drumset

    Once I started playing the drums, I wasn't satisfied with my junior-sized beat-up drum kit. Therefore I decided to upgrade. I got a new adult-sized kit at a flea market for a bargain. I upgraded it with some new components, and I had a great sounding drumset. The reason I put this as a timeline is because I am still collecting cymbals and percussion instruments to add to my kit. My search for the perfect cymbal, I feel, will be never ending.
  • Return to school!

    Return to school!
    On this day, after many long awaited months, CPS went back in session. I was anxious for this day, and it felt pretty weird being in the school on the first day. It felt too crowded, and I didn't recognize anybody. I'm happy that now I've made more friends, and feel comfortable walking in the halls of my school.