
  • Virginia Tech shooting

    Virginia Tech shooting
    It came as a shock to me, and also is part of the reason my dad wants to send me to college with a handgun for self-protection.
  • Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting

    Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting
    This shooting really impacted me because I had just been in the Denver area a month prior to it, on a youth group mission trip. It also shocked me that even movie theaters are no longer safe.
  • 2012 election

    2012 election
    Romney v. Obama 2012 Presidential Election.
    I saw people's negative reaction to Obama's reelection.
  • babysitting

    The mother I regularly babyait for is Congresswoman Blackburn's daughter. So she hosted their election party on election night. I ended up babysitting 10 or so kids of various party guests. However I did get to talk to the mother after the election was called. She told me that she was dissapointed Obama won because she didn't want her kids to grow up with/remember when Obama was president.
  • my Dad's family Christmas

    my uncle Chris (as well as his wife, Pat) no longer attend family celebrations after insulting/ offending my aunts over a political issue. This was when I saw why politics should be left out of regular conversation, and realized how polarizing certain political issues can be.
  • my dad teaches me how to shoot

    my dad teaches me how to shoot
    This is around the time that I start to see why it's important for adults to carry a concealed gun. This opinion was influenced by the increase in mass shootings.
  • Conclusion

    I chose these events because prior to the mass shootings in recent years, I had never given gun rights much thought. I grew up with a dad who hunts every weekend during hunting season. These shootings have made me take a step back and realize why gun rights are important to have in the US.
  • Conclusion pt, 2

    I included the election because the night of the 2012 presidental election was babysitting at Congresswoman Blackburn's Christmas party, After Obama won, people were not really so upset Romney lost, but furious that Obama won. Having witnessed first-hand how extreme political views can cause major family rifts and issues. The reaction shocked me and was a reminder as to why I am moderate, politically speaking.