934633 548582411850539 1208000556 n

Past events in my life...

  • I was born on December 18, 1995

    I was born on December 18, 1995
  • I was 8 months, I was with my cousins ​​and grandparents.

    I was 8 months, I was with my cousins ​​and grandparents.
  • When I was little, I was with my sister

    When I was little, I was with my sister
  • The first time that I graduated, I was with my sister and my cousins

    The first time that I graduated, I was with my sister and my cousins
  • When I was in high school

    When I was in high school
  • It was my quinceañera

    It was my quinceañera
  • I was a bridesmaid at a wedding

    I was a bridesmaid at a wedding
  • I went to the walk of fame in Hollywood with my sister

    I went to the walk of fame in Hollywood with my sister
  • I went on a tour to chiapas with my classmates

    I went on a tour to chiapas with my classmates
  • I graduated of the preparatory

    I graduated of the preparatory
  • When I was eighteen years old

    When I was eighteen years old