Pass the tragedies

  • US Independence

    US Independence
    Independence from Great Britain
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The start of the French people against it's monarchy due to poor finance movement by King Louis. It ended in 1799
  • Mexico's Independence

    Mexico's Independence
    Mexico is independent after the Spanish rule.
  • Indian Revolution

    Indian Revolution
    Revolution lead by Gandhi to get rid of the British power. The revolution ended in 1948.
  • USA civil war

    USA civil war
    USA civil war started because of the British taxes were so high and the citizens didn't like being taxed so much. So they started a war in search for freedom from the British government.
  • Berlin Conference

    Conference that occured between European countries to divide Africa and each country had a percentage of it.
  • Start of World War 1

    Start of World War 1
    The start of the first Great war between European Countries. It ended in November 11, 1918.