Pa History

  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    Henry Hudson a english navagator is hired by Holland to find the North West Passage to Asia. The Hudson River is named after him,
  • The Swedes

    The Swedes
    The swedes established permanent towns in PA. Also things like schools, homes, churches, and businesses. They bring crops but when they attack the Dutch they lose. They also lose PA to Holland.
  • Period: to

    English Control

    The English defeat Holland in the war thats in Europe. England gained all of Holland's colonies. Troops from England go to New Amsterdam and name it New York. Pennslyvania remains a part of New Amsterdam until 1681.
  • William Penn Sr.

    William Penn Sr.
    WIlliam Penn Sr. is born and he later becomes a English Admiral. He is a wealthy landowner in England and is good friends with King Charles the II and his brother King James. He loans King Charles the II money to finance his Wars in Europe. HIs son WIlliam Penn Jr. is later the heir of the Kings debt to his father.
  • William Penn Jr

    William Penn Jr
    William Penn Jr. goes to Oxford College but is expelled for meeting with the quakers. When he is 23 he becomes a Quaker and a preacher. Imprioned for being in the Society of Friends. HIs father William Penn Sr. takes him out of his will but, puts him in later. William Penn Sr. is close friend with King Charles the II & gets the Quakers out William Penn Sr. dies & King Charles the II's debt is still not repayed. So Penn Jr. asks for new land and King Charles the II agrees, giving them land in PA.
  • The Great Law

    The Great Law
    This is basis of goverment in early America. There is four major ideas to this law. All religions are welcome but only Christians are aloud in office. There is no work on Sundays also known as sabbath. Prisons were workhouses but in England they were just lockups. Also the only way to be punished by death is murder and treason. Over 200 crimes were punishable by death in England.