
P1JacquelineH Timetoast

By G7109JH
  • Period: 570 to

    Muhammad's Time to Now - The Spread of Islam

  • Jan 5, 651

    Official Edition of Qur'an

    Official Edition of Qur'an
    Caliph Uthman established an official edition of the Qur'an, and destroyed other versions. The Qur'an used today has remained largely unchanged since then. 哈里发欧斯曼选定了古兰经的版本。
  • Mar 1, 1100

    Islamic Law Schools

    Islamic Law Schools
    By the 12th century, several schools of Islamic law had emerged. 学者们发展出一套伊斯兰教律法学校。
  • Hadith

    Thousands of reports about Muhammad had traveled throughout Muslim lands. Scholars looked into each story and placed the stories they could verify into collections. Hadith means tradition. These accounts provided written evidence of Muhammad's Sunnah as seen in his words and deeds. They continue to have this role today. 人们传说穆罕默德曾经到到访伊斯兰的许多地方, 把他们认为真实可信的故事记录下来, 收集成書叫圣训。