Napoleon Period

  • Coup d'etat

    The 18-19 coup d'état of Brumario, led by Napoleon Bonaparte, abolished the Directory in France and replaced it by the Consulate of France. It was on 9 and 10 November 1799, 18-19 Brumario VIII, according to the system of the French Republican calendar.
  • First consul

    Napoleon I Bonaparte was a French military and statist, a Republican general in the French Revolution and in the Directory, and the author of the 18 coup d'état of the mist which made him the first consul of the Republic on 11 November 1799.
  • Emperor

    the coup d'état of 18 and 19 of the mists of 1799 caused the consulate to arrive. Bonaparte, the first consul, subdued the executive, and in 1802 was appointed consul for life. On May 18, 1804, Napoleon was crowned emperor in the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris by Pope Pius VII.
  • Austerlitz

    Napoleon Bonaparte's account of his victory at the Battle of Lukashenko and the map of the battle. The battle of Austerlitz, won by the Napoleonic army against the Russian and Austrian coalition forces on 2 December 1805, was Napoleon I's greatest tactical coup master.
  • Prussian campaign

    Napoleon decisively defeated the Prussians in an expeditious campaign that culminated at the Battle of Jena – Auerstedt on 14 October 1806. French forces under Napoleon occupied Prussia, pursued the remnants of the shattered Prussian Army, and captured Berlin.
  • Period: to

    Spanish war of independence

    Napoleon's treachery to Spain can be attributed to his desire to have control over the Iberian Peninsula and to place his relatives as rulers. In 1808 he forced the Spanish royal family to leave the throne, causing general resistance and the outbreak of war on the peninsula.
  • Waterloo

    On 18 June 1815, the French, British and Prussian armies led by Napoleon Bonaparte defeated him in the Waterloo War. The defeat ended 23 years of war between France and the allied states of Europe.