
  • Birthdate

    iwas born on november 20 at pasadena hospital
  • a year old

    had a bdayparty with family and was my first year born

    WENT to mexico for my first time were my family grew up
  • first school year

    I grew up in duarte califorina and went to Maxwell elementary for preschool
  • fell at the mall and scared

    was running at jcpenny and fell and hit the edge of a corner and went to the hospital
  • good day

    had a fun day with my family and fireworks and had a water jumper
  • started middle school

    went to my first day of 7grade at duarte northview
  • moved

    went to live in southelmonte and went to middle school 8th grade at shively
  • teenager

    was my bday on my way to a young adult and had fun
  • rip ucnle

    my uncle tony passed away crashed into a tree and was in acoma