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My Young Adult Event Time Line

  • Period: to

    Chaging Events

  • Convicted!

    At the age of 16, skipping school, smoking weed, and blowing amphetamines through your nose was the common cure for boredom and a rebellious state of mind. After issues escalated with a group of neighborhood kids like myself in nature, I was convicted of Arson, a felony, without even graduating high school.
  • New Life

    New Life
    Joined the U.S Army as an Infantryman. Completed Basic training at Ft. Benning Georgia then was station at Ft.Stewart GA. By this time in my life I had discipline installed to some degree, but reckless still nonetheless.
  • Bought first car!

    Bought first car!
    After getting to my duty station I finally began to mature and realize what self responsibility was. After becoming finacially stable I purchased my first car. A modded Mazda RX8. It was my first car thought I bought and is still one my favorite car out of the vehicles I have owned. This was a time of personal achievement and progress for me.
  • Crunch time

    Crunch time
    After months of hard training in one of the Army's most decorated Mechanized Infantry units, we were preparing to deploy to Iraq. The thought of going into combat excited me. It was one of the reasons I initially joined outside of trouble with the law. It was a test of personal strength and a true sense of belonging to me in the Infantry. I had a sense of brotherhood that I longed for all throughout the beginning of my young adult life.
  • If you're going through Hell, keep going.

    If you're going through Hell, keep going.
    After several months adjusting to everyday life and sporadic combat in Iraq, I began to notice a change within myself. The stubborn and reckless tendecies I had in past years seemed to phaze themselves out while I was deployed. I had a greater understanding of the value of human life and what true sacrifice for the greater good was. Seeing another culture and interacting with other people half-way across the globe made me realize that you define yourself by everyday actions in your life.
  • Post War; Back to a civilian life

    Post War; Back to a civilian life
    After serving my contract in the Army, I spent my early months home with my ill grandmother. In her passing days I realized the importance of education and the constant shrive to better one's self through her words. Her death not only brought me and my family sorrow, but it renewed my character and gave me a strong mentality of using past and present lessons to better one's self and spread knowledge and love.