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My timeline Lourdes Lozano

  • My birth

    My birth
    The 14 of March of 2007 I was born. I born in a hospital called: El Materno
  • My first day of school

    My first day of school
    My first day of school was in September. I was shy, so I didn’t want to leave my mom but when I saw all the toys in the classroom, I kissed her and I went to my class.
  • My brother

    My brother
    In this day, my brother was born. I was 3 years old, so I don’t remember a lot.
  • My cousin

    My cousin
    My cousin was born the 14 of June of 2011. I only have one cousin, so he is very special for me!
  • My little accident

    My little accident
    When I was 6 years old, I went to my country side. One night, I went to the garden and there was a really big rock but I didn’t see it so I fell. I had a really big scab for weeks. It was very funny because in all pictures I was with this big scab in my face.
  • My operation

    My operation
    In 2016, I had an operation. I had surgery for appendicitis. It was really weird. I felt horrible, it hurt me so much.
  • My first day of high school

    My first day of high school
    My first day of high school was in 2019. I was very nervious because I didn’t know how were my classmates.
  • Covid-19

    In March, everybody had to be confined in their houses for the coronavirus. It was a very weird situation but I learnt many things in this period.
  • Today

    Today, I feel very grateful because all my family is ok, my friends too... We need to wear a mask for the coronavirus! This is a weird situation but we are doing the best we can.