My Timeline

By Noce34
  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on September 12th the year of 2000 in Putnam hospital. All I was told is that a lot of my family was there that day. Everybody was excited to meet me and they all remember my head was too big for my body. When I came home I wouldn't eat because I slept too much. My mom was worried so she kept trying to wake me up and it took all day to feed me one bottle. Being the 4th kid in a family and being the youngest wasn't easy. But I always had somebody to look up to and learn life lessons.
  • My First Birthday Party

    My First Birthday Party
    My first birthday party was at my house the day after 9/11 happened. I don't remember it but everyone was still in shock. My cousins, aunts and uncles came up to Brewster for the party. Everyone was worried and they couldn't stop talking about the terrorists. There weren't any planes flying anywhere and that was very strange. All of the news was about the bodies being dragged from the rubble. I just learned how to walk, but no one paid attention to it because there was so much sadness.
  • My Best Christmas Present

    My Best Christmas Present
    When I was four years old I got a red motorcycle for Christmas. It ran on battery power and I drove it everywhere. My two sisters got a pink barbie car and my brother and I took turns driving that as fast as we could. I loved to drive in the house around the hallways and later, in spring I drove back and forth to the bus stop to watch my siblings go to school. After they left, I drove around the yards - it was the first time I went off-roading.
  • Family Trip to Disney

    Family Trip to Disney
    It was my grandparents 30th wedding anniversary and we all went to Disney together. We stayed at a sports hotel and I loved the pool and the roller coasters. Because I am the youngest of 4 kids and I was pretty tall, I was able to go on rides that should have been reserved for older kids. One of these was the "Tower of Terror". When the lights went out at the top of the ride I said "I can't see nothin'" and everyone laughed. Now it's a funny story that my family tells about me to this day.
  • The Quad

    The Quad
    My dad bought me a quad with a trailer when I was 11. We bought the Quad second hand from a friend and my mom was worried so she made me buy a helmet, chest pads, knee pads and elbow pads. I think I only wore them once. My dad also bought the trailer and had the car changed so it could tow. I drove my Quad all around the streets and on trails even though it was legal. My neighbors called the police and they came to my house to tell me not to ride it in the street anymore.
  • Sun Poisoning

    Sun Poisoning
    I loved our family trips to New Jersey Shore every year. I still do, but this one time I went to the beach in what I thought was hazy, cloudy weather and I didn't wear any sun screen. I got the worse sun poisoning ever, huge blisters on my shoulders and back. My mother stayed in the room with me for two days, putting cold towels on my back and watching a lion pride show. It was one of the worst vacations ever and I'll never go out without sunscreen again.
  • My First Job

    My First Job
    My first job was with Bill who owned a mechanic shop in Mahopac. I was in charge of power washing all the vehicles before they went back to their owners. I also rode the lawn mower, picked up sticks, and did cleaning in the shop and an old part of his house. I worked 9-5 most days, in the hot summer. I had one hour for lunch and spent most of my days alone with the headphones and my country music. I worked hard and he paid me well, he also said I was the best worker he had ever hired.
  • The First Fish

    The First Fish
    I was fishing in tonetta lake during the late afternoon. I had spent hours watching videos about how to catch bass, and I bought the lures and fishing equipment they recommended. I was fishing for hours, and finally got a bite. Large mouth bass are known to give hard fights. The fight lasted about 4 minutes and I finally got the bass on the dock. Being my first time I was very nervous about touching the fish so it took my a while to build up the courage. Ever since that I've loved fishing.
  • My Truck

    My Truck
    The day I got my truck was awesome. My dad found it at an autobody shop and we had to wait till the guy finished working on it, getting it ready for the road. It felt like the longest wait in the world. Finally, I was able to drive it home with my learner's permit. I drove in the left lane and it was a really great ride. On the day I got my license a year later, I took the truck on a dirt road, and played the country song while driving. It was fun. Since then, my truck has seen many road trips.
  • Bailey

    I love my Bailey girl. We went to the puppy shop to pick out a dog and I fell in love with a bernese mountain dog. I wanted a dog of my own to play fetch, go hiking and fishing with. She was the perfect dog, but my dad wouldn't agree for awhile. I was really worried that she would be sold before my Father would agree. I tried several different ways to get the lady at the pet store to hold her for me without a down payment. Nothing worked, then finally my Father agreed and I drove to pick her up.