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My timeline of injuries and accidents

  • Period: to

    My whole life

  • I fell and hit in a cabinet

    I fell and hit  in a cabinet
    I fell and hit in a cabinet, as a result, I have a small scar on my eyebrow
  • I had a kidney infection

    I had a kidney infection
    I was hospitalized 3 days for kidney infection
  • I broke my arm

    I broke my arm
    A dog knocked me down and I broke my arm
  • I pricked my toe with a thorn

    I pricked my toe with a thorn
    was trying to cut a flower from a vine , and because it was dark I did not realize that there had thorns until I felt the prick
  • I sprained my ankle

    I sprained  my ankle
    A friend got me his foot, I fell and sprained my ankle, I should have had two months of rest , but three weeks later I was playing volleyball again