
My Time Line

  • I was Born

    I was Born
  • When I was 3 months old, I went to my first school, that school called "ALPES"

    When I was 3 months old, I went to my first school, that school called "ALPES"
  • I graduate from Preschool.

    I graduate from Preschool.
  • I had my first class, in "Colegio Springfield", in first grade

    I had my first class, in "Colegio Springfield", in first grade
  • Period: to

    I did all primary school, form first grade to sixth grade

  • I went to my first class in high shool, again in "Colegio Spiringfield"

    I went to my first class in high shool, again in "Colegio Spiringfield"
  • There is photo whit my friends in Hihg school, I'm the guy who is in the middle

    There is photo whit my friends in Hihg school, I'm the guy who is in the middle
  • My first day In "Tecnologico de Monterrey" (Día Uno) I think I will never forget that date

    My first day In "Tecnologico de Monterrey" (Día Uno) I think I will never forget that date
  • Now, I'm an student of Preparatory or High School in "Tecnologico de Monterrey"

    Now, I'm an student of Preparatory or High School in "Tecnologico de Monterrey"