
My time line

  • Born on may 29 2000

    Born on may 29 2000
    I was bron on may 29 of 2000 in the missisauga hotapil and all of my dads and mom famil came to soport my mom amd dad
  • Getting making fun of

    Getting making fun of
    My cousins use to make me say the word truck but i sad the f word and they will all laugh all the time
  • Moved to a house

    My house when i was bron my perants wanted to move in to a bigger house so me and my sister can have a bater life
  • Frist step in new house

    Frist step in new house
    my frist step was in my new house i was just siting and wathing t.v. i was wathing the bob the billder intell i saw my faverit chartor it was bob so i got up and i took 5 steps and then that was my frist steps
  • Finger bleded every were

    Finger bleded every were
    when my mom was cooking see had to open a can so she open it with a can opener when i saw her open it i when and took the can and i roubed my finger on the rim of th can and it cut my finger all the way to the nail so i had to go to the hostipl to get it stich
  • video game dissapintment

    video game dissapintment
    whaen i got my frist video game i was so exsited to play it but my mom and dad siad "you can not play it intell you are finish cleaning my room" so i said "okay mom and dad but you have to give me the game frist" so they were intell they relaze they were giting trik so i gust had to clean my room
  • Got my frist t.v. in my own room

    Got my frist t.v. in my own room
    I got my frist tv for my brithday it was so cool it can even can connect with a cumputer it is so cool when i got it my sister was so jusles so she was sad the hole day intell my dad bought her a doll
  • whent to olando for my 8th cristmes

    whent to olando for my 8th cristmes
    we whent to floida for cristmes it was so fun my cousins are so fun and my ants love to make jokes and do so much and it is cool to go to florida for critmes
  • fall down the steps face plant

    fall down the steps face plant
    i wass wlking down the steps and then i fell down it and when i hit the floor i did a face plant
  • got my frist $100 bill

    got my frist $100 bill
    when my famil whent to the mall i was tieing my shoe because i it came undo so when i was i saw a brown paper uder my shoe and when i left my shoe uo off of the ground there was a $100 bill right there so my dad told me take it