My Technology Story

By sncosco
  • Pinball Discovery

    Pinball Discovery
    My mom showed me where the games were on her desktop and my favorite (and the easiest one) was the Pinball game
  • Computer Games

    Computer Games
    I would buy games like "Blues Clues Adventure" and "Malibu Barbie" to play on the computer.
  • The Internet Discovery

    The Internet Discovery
    My internet fun was very restricted. I was allowed to go to the search engine Google to search song lyrics for songs my "girl pop band" was going to sing
  • Myspace

    After much negotiation (and begging and pleading) my mother allowed me to have a Myspace. I would find codes for cool profile backgrounds and add angsty, alternative music to add to my profile playlist that "described" my life.
  • Apple Sucked Me In

    Apple Sucked Me In
    I got my first iPhone for my birthday. I was excited and started downloading apps and searching the internet from the palm of my hand.
  • Period: to

    Social Media

    By the time I was in high school, I had dumped Myspace and moved onto all the other social media options: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter. My phone was full of apps that kept me connected to my friends.
  • Laptop

    Though my mother had a laptop and I was allowed to use it, I was given my first personal laptop as a high school graduation gift. It was from my grandmothers and I picked out a MacBook Air.
  • Graphic Design Class

    Graphic Design Class
    The most tech savvy I have ever been was in a Journalism design class. I was able to work with Adobe Illustrator and I was very proud of my work.