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My story

  • My first day

    My first day
    This day I was born.
    Was - Irregular
  • Period: to

    My story

  • My first word

    My first word
    At seven months I said my first word.
    Say - Said - Irregular
  • My first steps

    My first steps
    In my first year I took my first steps.
    Take - Took - Irregular
  • My first trip

    My first trip
    When I was three years old, it was my first trip that I remember with my family.
    Was - Irregular
  • My first Christmas

    My first Christmas
    When I was four years old, it was my first Christmas gift I remember, a yellow remote control car.
    Was - Irregular
  • My first day of classes

    My first day of classes
    When I was five years old it was my first day of classes.
    Was - Irregular
  • My sixth grade

    My sixth grade
    When I was eleven years old, I started my sixth grade in high school.
    Was - Irregular
  • My baccalaureate

    My baccalaureate
    When I was fifteen years old, I finished my baccalaureate.
    Finish - Finished - Regular
  • The SENA

    The SENA
    At sixteen I entered the SENA.
    Enter - Entered - Regular
  • I traveled

    I traveled
    At age sixteen I traveled to Mocoa, Putumayo.
    Travel - Traveled - Regular