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  • Born

    On this day I was born, I also almost lost my life. I was born with the ambilical tube wrapped around my neck. I spent a week in the hospital and recovered fully. I was my mothers first child.
  • My Sister was Born

    My Sister was Born
    My little sister was born, she is still my best friend to this day. Having a sister only 15 months was good because we were so close but I feel as though I may have developed late in certain aspects of my life because she was there and I would mirror her actions.
  • Kindergarten

    Kindergarten is when I first knew I wanted to be a teacher, I had an amazing teacher (Mrs. Wright). Mrs. Wright gave me a love for learning that I wanted to pass on to others. Along the way I thought I would also be a famous singer and an archiologyst but those were only phases.
  • My little brother was born

    My little brother was born
    My little brother was born, I grew up thinking he was weird and gross but I love him now. Waching him struggle in classes gave me insight on what not to do in a class of my own. It also taught me that if a child has behavior problems there most likely is something behind it.
  • Diabetes

    For the second time I almost lost my life, this time it was to diabetes. I was sick for months and the doctors could not pin point why, for some reason the tests were comming up negative. Finally they found out that I had type 1 diabetes. I missed a lot of school growing up because I was constantly in the hospital I feel that I will go above and beyond to make sure the children in my class have a chance to catch up if they become ill.
  • Baby sitting

    Baby sitting
    I love to watch children and practice being a teacher. I was reasured that teaching was the right job for me.
  • Graduate

    Graduate High School! I take a year off before going to college. I am the first of my family to graduate High School and it was an amazing feeling. I want all of my students to fall in love with learning and know that secondary education is possible.
  • Hit and Run

    Hit and Run
    A bad accident happens (hit and run) I am left in a wheelchair for 3 months and have to have knee surgary. It takes me years to go back to school and continue with my degree. I am stronger now but the accident really broke me for a while, im lucky to be here.
  • Love

    My friend asks me to date him and I say yes. We just celibrated our 4 year anv. and we are in the process of buying a house together. Richard is my rock and whenever I feel down he is always there to pick me up.
  • Today

    Today I am a junior and I am only a year away from teaching and I could not be happier! I know that all of my experiences have made me into the individual I am today.