my brother

  • birth

    My brother was born on the 10th December, 1990. He was born in Igualada on a very sunny day. My mother was tired but deeply happy.
  • his 1st time in a hockey track

    he is a very beautiful boy, he wants to be a very good player in hockey roller skate.
  • her littel sister is here

    the most important day of my borother was when he learned the newa, now he was the big child of the family.
  • 1st dog

    oh my good my parents decided to buy a littel dog for my brother and he was very exited it became my brother's new best friend.
  • another sister OMG!!!!!

    This is the day of my birth a very important day.
    This is the start of all of the good moments that my brother and I have together
  • another dog!!!!!

    We wanted a dog amd my parents said "NO"
    But 1 day they decided it was a good idea and we got a very beautiful dog called Balter.