
My Short Term Goal

By paezg17
  • First Step I Have To Do

    First Step I Have To Do
    In order to achieve my goal I'll have to start creating my resume. I also have to do a cover letter. I will also have to go to my teacher that I have so they can make me letters of recomandations.
  • Second Step I Have To Do

    I'll start off doing 3 applications per week. I'll start off doing jobs near by my house.
  • Period: to

    My SMART Goal

    My SMART goal is Starting September 28 to October 28 to start looking for jobs like a grocery store or a clothing store. By the end of October 28 or earlier I'll have a job by then. I'll start applying for jobs near by and if they're no jobs near by, I'll start going a little far. In order to achieve my goal I'll have to stop going to see both of my brothers play soccer or karate, since they do their extracurricular activities near the afternoon.
  • Apply For Jobs Near By.

    Apply For Jobs Near By.
    I'll start going near by to see if they are accepting people for jobs. And I ask them for an application even if they are not accepting. Maybe they sometime after they can call me for a job offer later on.
  • Applying For Jobs Outside Of Town

    Applying For Jobs Outside Of Town
    I'll then start applying for jobs near Bristol. What I have in mind over there is to apply for Dollar Tree, or TJMaxx or even maybe Stop & Shop
  • Next step

    Next  step
    I'll start giving the people that Isent my application to a little bit time to look over. If no one has called me by then I'll start calling them so I can prove to them that I really want my job or that I really need it.
  • Goal Already Acomplished

    Goal Already Acomplished
    By this time hopefully I already have a job and that I'm already working/training.