mY PeRsOnNal TiMe LiNe :)

  • Birth Date of MOI :)

    Well when a mommmy and a daddy love each other, they call the stork and order a baby from the SEAR's catalog. And then it 4-5 buisness days, you get your new baby. That was me!
  • Day my Sister Alyssa was Born

    She is the youngest of us 4 kids.
    My sister Ashley - 1985
    My Brother Aaron - 1987
    Me -1995
    Alyssa - 1996
  • I move to Beeton, Ontario

    I was only like 3 when I moved from my home town Bowmanville to Beeton. My aunt lived in the house behind us (my dad's sister) my parents didn't like her very much :)
  • I move to Nashville,