My personal Timeline

  • 2001 BCE

    Naseem Is born!

    Naseem Is born!
    I was born in colombus Ohio. The doctors had to c-section just to get me out of her stomach.
  • First day of kindergarten

    First day of kindergarten
    I remember introducing myself among my fellow students. I was a little small kid.
  • Parents divorced

    Parents divorced
    My parents got divorced. It was a devastating day.
  • Foster care

    Foster care
    I was in foster care for 2 years. Very interesting experience
  • Graduated from elementary

    Graduated from elementary
    I graduated from elementary. I was ready to transition to the next step of my education.
  • Back with my mom!

    Back with my mom!
    I was back with my mom. It was a very important day of life
  • Six Flags

    Six Flags
    My family and I went to six flags. i was very scared to go on a rollercoaster
  • Overcame my fear!

    Overcame my fear!
    I went on my first rollercoaster ride after being forced by my family. It wasnt as bad as it seemed.
  • Soccer league

    Soccer league
    I was in a soccer league. I had a passion for soccer at the time and couldnt wait to play in games.
  • Won Championships!

    Won Championships!
    I scored one goal that day. It was very intense but we had one by 1 point.
  • First day of highscool

    First day of highscool
    i was very excited and nervous. I made many friends
  • First girlfriend

    First girlfriend
    Over the summer me and this girl both liked each other from middle school. We were together for a couple months
  • First kiss

    First kiss
    I had my first kiss. It was a little peck
  • My first job

    My first job
    I acquired my first job at the age of 17. It was at mcdonalds
  • Last year of high school!

    Last year of high school!
    i am currently a senior. I am very excited to finally graduate