My Life Throughout Time

  • Birth

    Born at Providence Hospital in Southfield, Michigan 7ibs 11oz 21 inches long.
  • Start Walking

    By 11 months old start to walk.
  • Start Talking

    By at least 18 months start talking
  • Potty Trained

    By the time I was two I was potty trained.
  • Father's Death

    My father was murdered when I was two and half years old in Inkster.
  • Reaction to Father's Death

    After my father died being so young I didn't know how to react, I can remember being at the funeral looking down at him in the casket telling him to wake up, my response to all of it was to regress for a couple months I stopped being potty-trained.
  • Father's Funeral

    The day of my father's funeral, I can remmeber this day to almost a tee from the ceremony to the viewing to remembering my mom be a mess. I was only 2 1/2 at the time.
  • First Day of School

    My first day at Memorial elementary school, also a.m. kindergarten. I remember balling my balls out and being so scared this was also the first time I was without my mother or someone I knew since my father's death.
  • 6 years old

    42 inches tall around 40 inches, was outgoing as a six year old had lots of friends. Was also very smart for my age, excelled in al areas specially spelling (can't say that now).
  • Broke Arm

    Broke my arm after being pushed down a ramp on rollerblades. Ironically enough had all my safety gear on but my helmet and yet still broke my wrist.
  • Seizures Start

    During 2nd grade I had my first seizure, they would continue randomly until I was in 7th grade.
  • 11/12 years old-School Years

    6 th grade I got extremely sick and ended up in the hospital with a fever of 105.3 in a span of a week I lost 20lbs, thankfully I was in the puberty stage and put on a little 'chub' I missed 32 days of school during this time. The doctrs said it was the flu, sevre strep throat, a virus, an infection, bronchitis, a sevre cold and etc.
    This was around the time were popularuty amoung friends started to play a role. Also the time my feet finally stopped growing. And my grades started to slip.
  • Seizures Stop

    After five years of seizures they finally stop, the seizures were expected to stop after 2 years.
  • Move

    After a family emergency I moved in with family friends across state (Fruitport, MI) the summer before my 8th grade year.
  • First Job

    Over the summer shortly after I moved; I got my first job at the age of 14. The people I lived with owned four domino pizza stores.
  • 15/16-Adolence Years

    Still growing some. Start playing multiple sports in school at varsity level. Grades are up get a 4.0 from 8th grade until 12th. At 15/16 have my first boyfriend date for 10 months. Become confirmed in the church. Get my driver's license. End up in the hospital for 3 days with pneumonia.
  • 18 to 25-Emerging Adulthood

    age 17 to 19 dated someone for 2 years longest relatonship he is still my best friend. Volunteer at church and hospital, now lead preschool program at church. Graduate high school and college. Have to study harder to retain information. Immune system pprobkems ever since having pneumonia. More responsibility pay bills, for school etc. Possibly get married in this time. Finish BSN work on close to finishing PhD. Move out buy my own car.
  • Graduation

    Graduate from Garden City High School with honors 14th in my class
  • Car Totaled

    Car Totaled
    The first major car accident I have been in my first car only 3 years old my Pontiac G5 was totaled, the car sccident was not my fault.
  • 20 years old

    20 years old
    At the age of Twenty, I am five feet five and half inches, wear a size 10 shoe, for the most part have finished physically developing. I am at the end of my second year of college (See dot for April 30th 2011) off to another school in the Fall. I have set friends who for the most part am confident will be friends for the rest of my life.
  • Graduation 2

    Garduate from Schoolcraft College with honors. Will recvieve my associates in biology.
  • NA Program

    Start my nursing assistant program through red cross, recieve my NA certificate.
  • Finish BSN

    Prediction: finish my BSN program at Wayne State Univerisity
  • U of M Mott's Hospital

    Prediction: After graduation from WSU start working at U of M Mott's Childrens Hospital
  • Engaged

    Prediction: Around the time I would 'hope' to become engaged.
  • Grad Program

    Predict: Start Grad program at U of M Ann Arbor
  • Marriage

    Prediction: Get married sometime in the spring or summer of 2015 to the love of my life.
  • Move In

    After getting married move in with my husband in our first home.
  • Finish PhD

    Prediction and Hopefullness: Hope to finish my PhD through U of M Ann Arbor, and become a Nurse Practitioner specializing in pediatrics.
  • Nurse Practitioner

    Now a full blown nurse practitioner start a full-time position as one at either Mott's Childrens Hospital or Detroit Childrens Hospital.
  • Bigger House

    Time for a bigger house with the arrvial of children!
  • Baby Number 1

    Hopefully have my first child by the time I am 27
  • Baby number 2

    Hopefully around this time have baby number 2.
  • 30 physical changes

    Definite changes in skin 'stress' lines start seeing some creasing. muscles start decreasing. Breathing starts to get quicker and shallower. Eyes start getting bad-delayed until thirty because I have perfect vision at 20 yrs.
  • Baby number 3

    If I want more children after 2 which I am sure I will have a third child sometime around this time. Last child most likely not recommended to have children after 30
  • Age 40

    Possible Midlife crisis..maybe buy a sports car :)
  • 41 years old

    Start taking care of and supprting my mother who will be in her mid sevenities (this may occur later in life)
  • The start of my children's graduations

    Watch my first child Graduate from High School.
  • Age 55

    IQ has decreased gradually over the years since about 25 (since I will be in school until 25 asuming my IQ will stay higher for awhile)
  • 58 years old

    Body experience menopause sometime between 42 and 58 years old. Continie to be active ride bike or walk everyday
  • 60 years old

    Physical appearance: noticable wrinkles :( Start to have hearing challenges. Spend lots of time with my grandchildren!
  • 61 years old

    Retire from my job possibly may love it too much! The Husband and I move to Europe specifically Spain!
  • 65 years old

    Physical appearance: Start shrinking, muscles have become shorter hoping to delay this by being active! processing information has slowed down. Start voluntering at a hospital again or working with the youth something to make me feel young still
  • Age 66 Continue Education

    Go back to school for a class I want to learn a recreational class like foriegn language or art
  • Age 70

    Memory has started to fade, eyesight obiously worse, hearing as well, major wrinkling, have lovely gray hair..most likely will be the hip grandma who dies her hair bright red! Possible suffer from dementia however no one in my family has, my grandparents lived into their 80's. Died of either heart attack or just old age.
  • Move back to the United States Age 80

    Move in with one of my children, possibility that my husband may have died, hoping for the fairy tale Notebook style ending to life that we die holding each other but that is highly unlikely!
  • 85 years old

    Increase in blood pressure, start slowing down but still active. may struggle to recognize people, hearing is almost shot possibly.
  • Death

    At the ripe age of 99 I predict that may die from over joy of excitement after climbing a mountain, aka suffer a heart attack. However according to the prediction we did, I am going to die at the age of 95. Hoping to beat all odds and with technology still be the crazy old active lady! I want to be cremated have my ashes spread at a favorite spot with my husband's of course.