• I was born

    This is the day that I was born in this photo is my mums mum and dads mum holding me! This was ther first photo ever taken of me
  • Me and my stuffed animals!

    This is a picture of me only a few months after i had been born. I am surrounded by some of my favourite toys and stuffed animals!
  • My 2nd christmas

    Here is a picture of me standidng next to the christmas tree on my 2nd christmas since i was born
  • My first easter

    Here i am biting on one of the eggs that we coloured for Serbian easter
  • My first birthday!

    This is a picture of me on my first birthday where my parents are both holding me.
  • My first time goig to Serbia

    This is a picture of me at the airport waiting for my flight I was only I had just turned 2 two days before we left!
  • Me & my cousins

    This ia a picture of me with a few of my cousins all of them actually go to this school!
  • My 3rd birthday

    This picture was taken on my third birthday with my cousins and family friends! Fun fact Stephan is actually in this picture (He is the one with the blonde spiky hair.)
  • My little sisters birth

    My baby sister Maya was born
  • My 2nd time going to Serbia

    This is a picture of my 2nd time going to Serbia and my sisters 1st this is also they year before i started prep
  • my prep teacher

    This is another photo of me on my first day of school here i am with my prep teacher!
  • My first day of prep

    This is a picture of me on my first day of prep reading a book.
  • My year 6 graduation

    My year 6 graduation
    Here is a picture of me and some of my friends form year 6 graduation! I completed plenty of my goals in year 6 i got school captain, I was main cast of the musical, I was in thetre sports, I got nominated and presented an award at the Holt community spirit and leadership awards and I made a lot of new friends! I definatly had an amazing time in primary and I wouldnt exchange it for the world so im hoping that high school will be just as memorable