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My Life

  • Birth

    On the snowy day of January 20, 2000 around 2:00 P.M. I was born. I weighed about 6 pounds. A few hours after I was born peed in my dad's face, and ruined his glasses.
  • House

    This was the day that we moved out of our apartment, into a house. It was our first home, and it continues to be today. This event changed my family's life forever, we never had to live in an apartment again.
  • Our Dog

    Our Dog
    This was the day when we bought our first dog, his name was Sullivan, he was so cute and tiny. I was so happy to have a new friend around the house. Also he was a very social dog.
  • First Movie

    First Movie
    My dad took me out of school during lunch time to take me to see Star Wars III: Revenge Of The Sith in theaters on the day it came out. This was the first Star Wars movie that I had ever seen in theaters, I barely understood it.
  • School

    I moved schools this day to Holly Elementary because that is where my mom was a teacher at. I remember being really excited when I saw her, she was my music teacher. Also I made tons of friends, friends who I am still friends with today.
  • Sorrow

    On this fateful day my grandfather passed away of Pulminary Fibrosis. My family was devastated by his passing. I was so close to him and now he was gone forever, this day changed my life forever, losing him was one of the hardest events in my entire life.
  • 10 Years

    10 Years
    Turning 10 was a big event for me, no more single digits. I was 10, a decade old. Finally felt like I was old, I was very happy about this birthday.
  • Lost Friends

    Lost Friends
    I lost my 2 best friends this day. They moved, one moved to a different state, another moved to a different city. I was so hurt, my 2 best friends, just gone like that. All I have left is the memories that we had.
  • End of 5th grade

    End of 5th grade
    I finally finished my fifth grade year. I would finally move on to middle school, or so I thought. In the end though the Board ended up keeping the 6th graders in the elementary schools, I was pretty happy with that. I wasn't ready for middle school yet.
  • Band

    Over the summer I had been debating whether to join concert band or not to. I chose not to at first, but then I changed my mind, and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Band has taught me so much and helped me make new friends.
  • Finished 6th Grade

    Finished 6th Grade
    Finally, the time had come. I was able to go to middle school at last! I was so happy and ready for it. No more little kids running around and being annoying, I finally had new people to meet and greet.
  • New School

    New School
    Middle school had so much life, new faces around every corner. I still had my friends from elementary, but I barely had any classes with them, I had to make a ton of new friends.
  • 8th Grade

    8th Grade
    Going into 8th grade was an awkward transition because the year started so early, unlike the year before, so I was unprepared for it, but later in the year I ended up adjusting. I had a lot of fun in 8th grade.
  • New Friends

    New Friends
    I met my current best friends, I had already known some of them prior to becoming best friends, but I had never really clicked with them. After finding out that they liked the same music as me, I started talking to them a lot more, eventually we formed a band and we have so many good memories.
  • Highschool

    8th grade was over and now a new era in my life began, highschool. I was super nervous about it, I had no idea what to expect in highschool, the only information that I had was my sister who is now a Senior.