My Life

  • Born

    I was born at St. Catherine's Hospital in Kenosha. My mom took good care of me. She made sure I had everything I needed at all times.
    Stage: Trust vs. Mistrust (Erikson)
  • First dollhouse

    My uncle built me a huge wooden dollhouse that he had my dad bring home Thanksgiving weekend. I was just beginning to learn what barbies were and the dollhouse helped me to understand the concept of barbies more.
    Stage: Preoperational (Jean Piaget)
  • First Kiss

    When I was in 6th grade I had my first kiss. At this point I was starting to learn about actual relationships and what comes in them.
    Stage: Genital Stage (Sigmund Freud)
  • First Car

    Mom and dad decided since I was doing so good driving their cars for over a year after I got my driver's license, that they'd get me my own car as a reward and pay for most of it. When I got traffic tickets a few months later, they grounded me from my car for weeks and took my keys as punishment.
    Stage: Reward and Punishment (Kohlberg)
  • Married

  • Have my first kid

  • Retired from work

  • Death