My life Erika Gutierrez

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born on August 18 2005 in Atlanta Georgia
  • Moved to Texas

    Moved to Texas
    My family and i moved to Texas when i was three years old
  • started pre school

    started pre school
    started preschool at 4 years old and went to odyssey academy
  • Grandpa diagnosed with cancer

    Grandpa diagnosed with cancer
    mass was found in my Grandpas brain
  • Grandpa is Cancer free

    Grandpa is Cancer free
    after many prayers my grandpa was healed and the mass was gone
  • Started swimming lessons

    Started swimming lessons
    attended swimming lessons at ball high
  • Moved in with grandparents

    Moved in with grandparents
    moved with grandparents to take care of my grandfather that was battling cancer once again
  • Started middle school

    Started middle school
    started in Austin middle school
  • took my first trip to Mexico

    took my first trip to Mexico
    went to visit my great grandmother
  • my great grandmother died

    my great grandmother died
    died of old age in her sleep
  • went to my first funeral

    went to my first funeral
    went back to mexico for my great grandmothers funeral
  • i became an aunt

    i became an aunt
    my sister gave birth to her first child leo
  • Moved to a new house

    Moved to a new house
    moved to la marque
  • Started 8th grade

    Started 8th grade
    still go to Austin middle school
  • Started working

    Started working
    got my first job working as a daycare assist
  • Graduated high school

    Graduated high school
    graduated from ball high school
  • started college

    started college
    went to college at UTMB university
  • Bought my first house

    Bought my first house
    bought a house in galveston
  • traveled around the world for work

    traveled around the world for work
    went across country
  • Buy my parents a house

    Buy my parents a house
    buy a new house
  • Graduate college

    Graduate college
    graduate from UTMB university
  • get a job

    get a job
    work as a babies doctor at UTMB
  • get proposed to

    get proposed to
    get proposed to after college
  • have a baby

    have a baby
    had a baby boy
  • get married

    get married
    have a nice traditional wedding
  • kid go to school

    kid go to school
    start school
  • travel the world to visit long lost family

    travel the world to visit long lost family
    visit family that are long lost
  • kid starts baseball

    kid starts baseball
    starts in little league
  • have another baby

    had a baby girl
  • open a business

    daycare business