
My life as a Polish immigrant

  • My birth

    My birth
    My name is Klara Brumback. I was born in Radom, Poland in 1851. We had almost no money. We didnt have much food, water or a good home and clothes. Both of my parents were trying to get jobs but couldnt get good enough jobs. We lived in a crouded place were there was almost no rent. I have two brothers and one sister. I got my picture taken when I was a baby. The clothes are some that we borrowed so that I would look nice.My life when I was little was not how I wanted to live my whole life.
  • Immigrating to America

    Immigrating to America
    My family decided that life in Poland was not going to get any better. We heard that there was a land of opportunity just waiting for us in america. So when I was 13 years old we decided to pack up what little things we had and immigrate to america. I was very happy to go to a place where I mught have a better future. But at the same time I was sad to leave my few friends I did have in Poland. Overall I was excited. A week after we decided to immigrate we got on a boat and sailed to america.
  • Arrive at Ellis island

    Arrive at Ellis island
    This is the day that me and my family arrived at Ellis island. The boat ride was long and boring. It took us two weeks to travel to america by boat. I am very happy we are finally here. On the way to Ellis island I saw the amazing satue of liberty and it was breathtaking. It was much taller than I would have imagined. I was in awe of the size of it and I got tears in my eyes when people explained what it means for the American people. When we got there we were inspected and put through tests.
  • Find our first place to live

    Find our first place to live
    This was our house for about ten years. It wasnt much but it was all we could afford at the time. The reason why we got out of the small room was because my mother and father got jobs. My father works building skyscrapers and my mother works in a womans shirt factory. We stayed home and tended the house but somrtimes we would go out and steal some food because we were so hungry. I dont think my parents know that we steal sometimes. But we have to, to stay alive.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire
    In 1905 I started to work in the Triangle Shirtwaist factory with my mother because we could use the extra money. We are starting to fair better and our house is nicer than before. In 1911 there was a fire in the factory and many of my co-workers died. It was a horrible event. My mother and I were some of the last people to get into the elevator. We are gratefull for our lives but fear that we could have a lung disease from all of the smoke that we were breathing in all of the smoke.
  • Sickness

    I have asthma and I fear for my life. I have small asthma attacks. I fear that one day i will have a more serious Asthma attack and die. I have had to stop working because my lungs cant take much exersize or stress. I am on the verge of death and i feel that I have had a good life. I have accopmlished much in the short amount of time I have been here even though I never married.