My life

  • My birth

    My birth
    August 4th 2005 was when i was born
  • My grandpas death

    My grandpas death
    my dad got a phone call that was when we found out my grandpa died
  • My first big birthday party

    My first big birthday party
    I had a big party for my 4th birthday, the only birthday party I remembered when I was a baby
  • Six flags experience

    Six flags experience
    First time going to six flags
  • Mexico

    Going to mexico and visit my family
  • Los cabos

    Los cabos
    Vacation to los cabos
  • Wisconsin Dells

    Wisconsin Dells
    Me and my family went to wisconsin dells for the first time and it was really fun, we had separate rooms or 2 families but all the cousins were in one room together. We went to the water park, museum, restaurants, arcades, and we also went walking to a forest.
  • Cousin graduation party

    Cousin graduation party
    Celebrating my cousin graduation
  • Los Angeles Vacation

    Los Angeles Vacation
    This was my first time to LA and it was really fun, we stayed in an Arbnb which was super nice. We went in the summer so it was such a vibe to be there. We tried various of foods which were really good!
  • My brother graduating from von stueben

    My brother graduating from von stueben
    He graduated from high school that day
  • 8th grade graduation

    8th grade graduation
    It was my 8th grade graduation located at schurz high school. I graduated from Gray Elementary School, it was pretty fun. Me and my family went out to eat afterwards
  • first day of high school

    first day of high school
    First day of going to high school in the Taft freshman academy
  • Covid hits

    Covid hits
    I remember I was watching the news with my mom and we saw that a new virus has entered In the united states
  • Online learning

    Online learning
    We stared doing online learning because covid cases were rising
  • Mexico Again

    Mexico Again
    i went
  • My uncles white coat ceremony

    My uncles white coat ceremony
    My uncle had a ceremony of his white coat to become a dentist doctor. He is not a full doctor yet, he has 3 more years left but that day was when he received his white coat.
  • my moms cousin funeral

    my moms cousin funeral
    We went to my moms cousin funeral on Sunday, it was a very depressing day.