The name gregory

my life

  • date of birth

    date of birth
    I was born on December 27th 1999, It was a good day for my parents because I would be the first boy to join the family, besides my dad. My sisters werent too happy, on the other hand, they didnt want a boy because they loved being a family full of girls. I guess that my sisters had to deal with it because they didnt make mom amd dad give me away.
  • jaundice

    I was born with a condition called jaundice. My skin and eyes were orange when I was born. This is because my bloodstream contained too much bilirubin, my kidney had not fully matured.
  • born at Beumont Hospital

    born at Beumont Hospital
    I was born at Beumont Hospital, this is where my parents decieded to take me. My mother was in labor for a long time. I heard that it was hectic because my mom already had three girls.
  • first dog

    first dog
    My family got our first dog at this time. I dont know what kind of dog he was, but his name was Samson and he was a very, very good dog.
  • First christmas

    First christmas
    This was my first Christmas, well spent with family. I dont know what I got that year but I'm sure it was something like a box of diapers. Two days after that i turned one.
  • First pair of skis

    First pair of skis
    I was only two when I got my first pairs of skis. Since then I've been skiing and have been enjoying every part of it. When I first started sking my father would have me ski in bewtween his leg or on a leash type thing.
  • Learned to ski

    Learned to ski
    I Learned to ski when I was two! My dad took me to training schools and ski hills so I could reach the skill level that I have today. I have been skiing for 12 years.
  • broke my leg

    broke my leg
    This is when I broke my leg. My dad tripped over me when I was laying on the ground. I was a kid, what do you expect?
  • frostbite

    While visiting Canada for a ski trip with the family. I got frostbite. Frostbite really hurts. I got frost bite beause I was'nt being careful and got too cold on top of a large mountian in canada.
  • first bike

    first bike
    I was five when I got my first bike. My Mom and Dad purchaced it and I was very grateful of it. I wasnt very good at riding my bike at first but after awhile I became very good at it.
  • tenth birthday

    tenth birthday
    This was my 10th birthday, this was a very special time for me. I was changing in life and had finally become part of the 'Double Didgets club' which my cousins had come up with. I really enjoyed this week because there was Christmas, which I got to be with family for, and there was my birthday.
  • West Virgina ski trip

    West Virgina ski trip
    My familyand I went to West Virgina for a family ski trip. We went skiing about five times in the one week and went to multiple mountians. I really enjoy skiing and I think I am really skilled at it.
  • First flip phone

    First flip phone
    I was 12 when my mom and dad got me a phone. It wasnt a very nice phone but I was happy that I atl east got one. I made calls all the time, this was before texting and iMessaging was a big thing.
  • first season pass

    first season pass
    I got my first season pass in 2013, I saved up about $300 and my mom payed the other $150, I was very pleased with my purchace last year, a bunch of friends and I would go skiing almost everyday. Skiing is basically my life in the winter.
  • New pair of skis

    New pair of skis
    I recently invested in a new pair of skis and decieded to get rid of my older pairs. I got a brand new pair of 2014 Line afterbangs. They are very flexible and are good for all park and slope terrian.