My Life

  • Hello World

    Hello World
    I was born in Dalton, GA and lived there my whole life with my sister and parents.
  • My Cousins Dog Dies

    My Cousins Dog Dies
    My cousins dog died at night because of a car my cousin was walking the dog and the dog was hurt badly so then they took them to the vet and died shortly after.
  • Almost Died

    Almost Died
    When I was four my grand parents lived with me and my parents. I went inside his room and there were pills on his bed, so I grabbed them and put them in my mouth. My mom found me choking on them and called 911 while the were waiting my mom helped it get out and I was fine.
  • Getting My Dog

    Getting My Dog
    My dad supriesed me and my sister with a dog for my sisters birthday. When we first got him he was really small.
  • My Dog Runs Away

    My Dog Runs Away
    I was living with my aunt and uncle and during that time my dog ran out the door because of my little cousin after 3 days my mom found him in the yard of our neighbor's.
  • Steped on Glass Bare Foot

    Steped on Glass Bare Foot
    I used to go outside bare foot and one day I wasn't looking where I was going and steped on a piece of glass and stared to limp to my house and leaving a trail of blood an I couldn't go any where becaue it hurt to walk.
  • I Almost Drowned

    I was swimming in a pool next to ladder I wanted to get out and I started to clime out then I slipped and fell backwards and drank some of the water. My mom was so worried but I was okay.
  • Inside a Mountain

    Inside a Mountain
    I was thinking of going to ruby falls but once I go in there I was scared the rock will fall and hit me.
  • On Top of a Mountain

    On Top of a Mountain
    I didn't want to go to the top because I'm afraid of heights but my uncle forced me to look over the ledge and it was cool but I was to afraid to look again.
  • First Time at a Beach

    First Time at a Beach
    I was staying at my aunt and uncles house with my older cousins an they asked me if I wanted to go to the beach I said yes and we had to stay at a small hotel in front of the beach. The worst part was when we had to sleep because they didn't have enough blankets so some of us had to sleep with clothes.