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My life

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born on 16th of January of 1997 in Barcelona.
  • My brother's birth

    My brother's birth
    My brother was born on 11th of January of 2001.
  • Discovery of basketball

    Discovery of basketball
    At the age of 7, I discovered my favourite sport. It has given me a lot of experiences and values.
  • Change of school

    Change of school
    I went to 1st of ESO in a new school with new teachers and new mates.
  • My first trip

    My first trip
    I went to Ireland and it was a great experience.
  • My grandpa's death

    My grandpa's death
    I lost my grandpa who was an important person in my life.
  • New opportunity

    A new opportunity appeared in my life and for me, it is a dream come true.
  • The best season

    The best season
    My teams got the 4th position in Catalonia's competition and the interterritorial's championship of Catalonia.